Why is it pointed out that plant-derived artificial meat is bad for health?
In the United States, plant-derived artificial meats such as “ Impossible Foods ”, which are 100% plant raw material but have meat juice and taste and smell when baked, are attracting attention, and the market scale is greatly expanding. However, several indications that 'plant-derived artificial meat is bad for health' have been reported.
Whole Foods CEO John Mackey: Plant-based meat not good for your health
Are plant-based meats actually healthier than meat?-CBS News
The reason for pointing out that 'plant-derived artificial meat is bad for health' is the raw material contained in artificial meat. If you look at the raw material of artificial meat released by Beyond Meat that has started a partnership with Kentucky and Impossible Foods , a leading plant-derived artificial meat manufacturing company that has partnered with Burger King , Impossible Foods' artificial meat is coconut Oil and sunflower oil are included, and Beyond Meat's artificial meat contains canola oil, refined coconut oil, cocoa butter and more.
What are the ingredients? – Impossible Foods
Beyond Burger ™-Beyond Meat-The Future of Protein ™
As a result, Impossible Foods artificial meat is 240 kcal per 4 ounces (113 g) and 8 g saturated fatty acids, Beyond Meat artificial meat is 250 kcal per 4 ounces 6 g saturated fatty acids, general beef lean Burger using minced meat is 283 kcal per 4 ounces and 6.7 g saturated fatty acids. Focusing on saturated fatty acids, there is no significant difference between artificial meat and regular ground meat, and Impossible Foods artificial meat has a higher amount of saturated fatty acid than normal meat. Saturated fatty acids are said to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.
In the following article, you can read the opinion of Harvard University professor who described coconut oil rich in saturated fatty acids as “pure poison”.
In addition, artificial meat is rich in sodium during its manufacturing process. American CBS News states that artificial meat is not necessarily healthier than meat.
John McKee, CEO of Whole Foods Market , a major U.S. supermarket that has been vegan for over 20 years, said that plant-derived artificial meat is a processed product such as soy protein extract and apple extract in the manufacturing process. 'Although it is plant-derived, over-processed food does not seem healthy,' he commented.
On the other hand, the obvious merit from plants is “environmentally friendly”. Replacing all ground beef with our own artificial meat reduced land use by 96% and reduced water consumption by 87%. Impossible Foods has announced that it will also reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 89%.
Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat have set their mission to “reduce the impact of environmental destruction caused by livestock”.
Mission-Impossible Foods
About-Beyond Meat-The Future of Protein ™
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in Food, Posted by darkhorse_log