More than 600 Google employees launch protests against human rights abuses against immigrants


Nitish Meena

More than 600 Google employees have launched protests, saying that the Trump administration's treatment of immigrants by the United States Customs and Border Protection is against international human rights law.

Google must stand against human rights abuses: #NoGCPforCBP

The impetus for this protest was the fact that seven children died in the American Children's Immigration Camp in 2019.

Why are migrant children dying in US custody?

The children who died were said to have died due to complications due to the poor environment of the camp. At the root of this fatal accident is the 'immigrant parent-child separation policy' that the Trump administration is trying to promote.

More than 900 human rights groups after the U.S. Trump administration's immigrant parent-child separation and cancellation order International News: AFPBB News

The Google employee group has declared that 'immigrant parent-child separation policies and a series of child immigrant fatal accidents violate international human rights law and violate all moral norms,' and the cause is the Customs and Border Protection Bureau and immigrants.・ We are blaming the Customs Enforcement Bureau and the Refugee Resettlement Office of the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

As part of its protests, the Google Employees Group has mentioned that the Customs and Border Protection has entered the bid-preparation stage for cloud computing service contracts, with IBM taking charge of the Nazi Holocaust for each cloud service provider. In light of this, we urge you not to cooperate with the Customs and Border Protection Bureau, which promotes human rights infringement.

The book that the Google employee group cited as 'IBM was working with the Nazis' is:

IBM and the Holocaust-A Large Company with the Nazis | Edwin Black, Raizo Ukyo, Edwin Black, Kyoko Ogawa | Books | Mail Order | Amazon

The Google employee group is soliciting signatures, saying, 'It's time for the tech industry to show NO to providing genocide infrastructure.' At the time of writing the article, 612 Google employees and 32 people from outside Google, such as Microsoft and Amazon, participated in the signature.

To participate in the signature, simply enter 'support' in the subject line, enter your name and affiliation in the body, and send an email to '[email protected]'. .. When sending an email, it is recommended to use the email address of an academic institution or company.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log