Earthquake occurrence recording earthquake intensity 6 low in Niigata Prefecture earthquake intensity 6 strong, Yamagata Prefecture

About 22:22 (Tuesday) on June 18, 2019 (Tuesday), just one year after the earthquake that recorded a seismic intensity of 6 or less in northern Osaka Prefecture and Tochigi city, the seismic intensity is over 6 in Niigata prefecture and 6 in Japan An earthquake occurred to record A tsunami warning has been issued to Yamagata Prefecture, Niigata Prefecture, and Ishikawa Prefecture during this earthquake.

Meteorological Agency | Earthquake Information

The epicenter of this earthquake was reported off Yamagata Prefecture, with a depth of 10 km and a magnitude of 6.8. In addition, a tsunami warning has been issued in the coastal area of the Sea of Japan during this earthquake. The expected tsunami height is 1 m each in Yamagata Prefecture, Niigata Prefecture Kaminakashitashi, Sado and Ishikawa Prefecture Noto.

Earthquake intensity 6 high in Niigata Prefecture Intensity 6 weak in Yamagata Prefecture | NHK News

In addition to recording a seismic intensity of 6 or more in Murakami City, Niigata Prefecture and a seismic intensity of 6 or less in Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture, we have recorded seismic intensity 5 in several municipalities in Akita Prefecture, Yamagata Prefecture, and Niigata Prefecture.

Tsunami Warning in Yamagata Prefecture, Niigata Prefecture, Ishikawa Prefecture | NHK News

An earthquake with a magnitude of 3.8 occurs at 22:37, 10 km deep off the coast of Niigata Prefecture. A seismic intensity of 3 has been recorded in Murakami City, Niigata Prefecture.

Earthquakes may continue in the future. Keep away from crushers and other fragile places. Also, be careful at the time of evacuation as it is at night.

According to TEPCO, no new anomalies have been reported at the Fukushima Daiichi NPS and Fukushima Daini NPP, and there has been no change in the radiation dose at the monitoring post.

As a result of the earthquake, JR has discontinued operations at 22:55 on sections such as Tohoku Shinkansen, Tokyo-Hachinohe, Yamagata Shinkansen, Fukushima-Shinjo, and Joetsu Shinkansen-Tokyo-Niigata.

Operation information of Shinkansen: JR East

Operation information of Tohoku area: JR East

It has been reported that Hokuriku Shinkansen / Asama 633, which was running between Ueno and Omiya, also stopped due to a power failure. In addition, there is information that electricity recovered around 22:44 and resumed operation around 22:49.

・ 2019/06/18 23: 10
Akita Shinkansen ・ Morioka → Akita (downbound line) is said to have stopped driving.

According to those on the Joetsu Shinkansen, the surrounding buildings do not seem to be out of power.

2019/06/18 23: 25
Among the lines that had been abandoned at JR, Tohoku Shinkansen, Tohoku Main Line, Ofunato Line, Ohtsuji Line, Kamaishi Line, Kitakami Line and Yamada Line have resumed operation by 23:17.

2019/06/18 23:30
According to the Murakami City Hall, it contains information that road bumps and landslides have occurred at multiple locations on National Route 345 running along the sea.

2019/06/18 23: 50
JR's driving section is Yamagata Shinkansen-Fukushima-Shinjo, Akita Shinkansen-Okita-Akita (downlink), Joetsu Shinkansen-Tsubamesanjo-Niigata, Hakue Main Line-Nakajo-Sakata-Akita, Ouba Main Line-Akita, It is Ouba Main Line, Niwasaka-Itatani, Liku West Line, Minamino-Yomoku, Shinetsu Main Line, Nagaoka-Amagasaki.

The blackout area is about 4,800 in Tsuruoka, Yamagata Prefecture, about 200 in Sakata, Yamagata Prefecture, about 2,700 in Nishi Ward, Niigata City, Niigata Prefecture, and about 80 in Murakami City, Niigata Prefecture.

After that, at 0:59 on Wednesday, 19 June 2019, an earthquake that observed seismic intensity 4 occurred in Shiretetsu, Niigata Prefecture.

Meteorological Agency | Earthquake Information

in Note, Posted by logc_nt