Movie clustered easy to understand that the epicenter of Tohoku Region Pacific Offshore Earthquake occurred near the plate

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 22:00 Mar 18, 2011, may contains some machine-translated parts.
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A week has passed since the Tohoku Region Pacific Offshore Earthquake that occurred on March 11, but a movie that summarizes the epicenter of the earthquake that happened this week was released.

Looking at the state of the epicenter that changes one after another in about 50 seconds, you can see that there is an earthquake mainly occurring in the North American plate.

The transition of epicenter is from the following.YouTube - 【East Japan great earthquake】 Trend of epicenter of one week / Earthquake in Japan 2011.03.10 - 03.17

According to the Japan Meteorological Agency's announcement at 15:01 on March 11, an earthquake of seismic intensity 7 class occurred in the North American plate. The yellow line isNorth American Plate,Eurasian plate,Philippine Sea Plate,Pacific plateIt represents the boundary of. Also, the red line on the south sideMedian Tectonic Lineis.

In the announcement at 20:22 on March 11, an earthquake of seismic intensity 3 or so has occurred at places close to the boundary between the plates.

It is an announcement at 4:35 on March 12th. The so-called near the boundary between North American plate and Eurasian plateFossa MagnaAn earthquake of seismic intensity 4 occurred.

In the announcement by the Japan Meteorological Agency on March 15 at 22:40, an earthquake of seismic intensity 6 classes occurred around the intersection of the Median Tectonic Line, North American Plate, Eurasia Plate and the Philippine Sea Plate. This place is also equivalent to Fossa Magna.

The earthquake of about 3 seismic intensity occurred near the boundary between the plates at the presentation at 21:39 on March 17th.

Looking at the trend of the epicenter, we can see that the "Tohoku Region Pacific Offshore Earthquake" and its aftershocks, or the induced earthquakes, occur near the boundary between the North American plate and its surrounding plate and around Fossa Magna. It is thought that strong aftershocks will occur in the neighborhood in the near future, so it may be better for people who live in the neighbor to prepare themselves for the earthquake.

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log