What is the basis for the claim that 'the intelligence of humanity is falling rather than rising'?

Recent studies, 'the human IQ will continue to rise year by year,' 'that the Flynn effect ' is actually a 'does not mean that the human intelligence is rising,' pointed out to be became. In addition, research results have also been reported that 'IQ is falling rather than rising.' Then, business consultant Evan Horowitz has contributed his own point of view to overseas media THINK as to what causes the decline in IQ worldwide.
Evan Horowitz: IQ rates are dropping in many developed countries and that doesn't bode well for humanity
Researcher Bernt Bratsberg and colleagues at the Ragnar-Frisch Economic Research Center in Norway announced that 'I's IQ turned down in the last 30 years,' according to the results of surveying about 730,000 people over 30 years. I clarified that the Flynn effect is a thing of the past.
Edward Dutton, who works for the Ulster Social Research Institute in the United Kingdom, said that the lower IQ families have more children, “people from lower IQ households and immigrants are pushing down average IQ scores in developed countries. Advocates (PDF file) theory . However, Horowitz criticizes this theory as being somewhat eugenic.

However, according to the above-mentioned Bratsberg et al.'S study, even children in families with high IQ have been found to have lowered IQ, and Dutton et al.'S theory is not widely accepted. Horowitz found that, 'The decline in people's IQ is a complex influence of several environmental factors,' the idea.
One of the factors is that 'the number of workers in the service industry who require low skills is increasing '. The graph below shows the percentage of workers in the non-agricultural sector in the United States, where blue indicates 'public official', red indicates 'manufacturing' and green indicates 'service'. Looking at this graph, we can see that while the number of workers engaged in the manufacturing industry has been decreasing almost consistently since around 1950, the number of workers engaged in the service industry is steadily increasing.

Of course, not all service businesses do not require knowledge and skills, but the word “
Horowitz also points out that global warming has reduced the amount of nutrients contained in food, and that this may have deprived human ability through adverse health effects.

by Gabriel Jimenez
Furthermore, there is a high possibility that people's concentration and productivity have been diminished by the spread of smartphones and so on.
It turns out that the power of the brain is consumed unconsciously and 'performance of study and work falls' by 'only the smartphone is there'

Horowitz says, 'Humankind is facing a crisis that humanity has never experienced, such as the rise of AI and the intensification of global warming,' emphasizing the crisis of global intelligence decline again. You
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