There was a large-scale tactic to make a lie and buy support service by saying that 'Malware was found' by free PC diagnosis

Many people use security software and update them to protect their PCs from malware and other attacks. In addition to that, there are people who sometimes use the free PC diagnosis provided by major retailers, but “The
Office Depot and Tech Support Firm Will Pay $ 35 Million to Settle FTC Allegations That They Tricked Consumers into Costly Computer Repair Services | Federal Trade Commission
Office Depot computer scans gave fake results | Consumer Information
With headquarters in Florida, USA, Office Depot is the world's largest discount store chain for stationery and office products with a sales network in more than 60 countries. At Office Depot and Office Max 's store, which merged in 2013, the company provided a service to diagnose PC security for free under the name of 'PC Health Check.'
However, according to the FTC, users who received the 'PC Health Check' during the period from 2009 to 2016 may have been informed of the findings of a lie that 'PC is infected with malware'. It says. PC Health Check is a PC scan program developed by, a PC technology company that is affiliated with Office Depot, but even though malware did not appear as a result of the scan, employees of Office Depot and Office Max Users were informed of the findings as if there was a problem with the PC.
PC Health Check originally said that the service was intended to let users purchase support services to improve PC functions and security. Therefore, the criteria for reporting 'infected with malware' to the user is based only on the result of the questionnaire conducted before conducting the PC Health Check, and the program scan result is not reflected at all in the report to the user. It seems so.
In the questionnaire, there are four things: 'Slow operation of PC' 'We have been warned of virus' 'Sometimes PC crash' 'There is a disturbing event on the Internet display such as pop up of advertisement is displayed' Users were asked to answer 'yes' or 'no' for questions. In the store, one of the four questions answered 'Yes' to the user who said 'I'm infected with malware'.

Users who were told they had been infected with malware recommended the security support service provided by from the clerk. Support service costs up to $ 300 (about 33,000 yen), and, which has been affiliated with Office Depot, is tens of millions of dollars (about several billion yen) by contracting support service. It was said that he was getting a profit.
The FTC believes that fraud has been occurring at least since 2012. An employee of Office Max in 2012 complained to the manager that 'I can not justify having the user lie and pay for the support service', but it is still wrong until 2016 Was continued.
The FTC has stated that it has reached a settlement with Office Depot and, and Office Depot is $ 25 million (approximately 2.8 billion yen) and is $ 10 million (approximately 1.1 billion yen). The payment of) was ordered. The FTC will use the amount paid for a consumer refund.
'Consumers are making great efforts to protect their PCs from malware and other threats,' said FTC Chairman

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