It turned out that the detection rate of malware targeting Mac devices has increased significantly

In the past, it was said that `` Mac devices are difficult to infect malware '', but according to a survey by Malwarebytes of a cyber security company, the detection rate of malware targeting Mac devices increased significantly in 2019 It turns out.
Mac threat detections on the rise in 2019-Malwarebytes Labs | Malwarebytes Labs
Mac Threat Detections on the Rise in 2019 According to Malwarebytes Report-MacRumors
Malwarebytes analyzed the number and type of malware detected on Mac, Windows, Android and other devices equipped with their security software. As a result, out of the top 25 malware that detected a large number of all devices, 6 were targeted for the Mac, and 16% of the total targeted the Mac.
The 16% figure doesn't seem to be very high, but Malwarebytes pointed out, “The results are very interesting given the number of devices on which these threats were detected.” Malwarebytes says that the number of '16%' is a big one because Mac users are only one-twelfth (about 8.3%) of Windows users.
In addition, the average number of malware detected per Windows device discovered in the 2019 survey was 4.2, compared to an average of 9.8 for Mac devices. The result was that there were many. This data is only for devices with Malwarebytes security software installed, and Mac users suspect that the PC may be infected with something when the security software is installed. Malwarebytes admits that he may have held it.

Mac-targeted malware ranks second and fifth in the total number of threat detections, making it the top five difficult for the first time in a 2019 survey. Malware with the second highest number of detections is
“ PUP.PCVARK ”, the fifth-ranked malware, accounts for 3% of all malware and is potentially dangerous because it allows users to install or purchase in the device unintentionally or by tricking the user Software. “ PUP ” is an abbreviation for “Potentially Unwanted Program” and is a generic term for potentially harmful programs.
If we delve further into the data, most malware targeting the Mac consists of adware or PUP, and more dangerous types of malware are limited to a very narrow area. For example, a malware called Mokes and Wirenet , discovered in 2019, was delivered to Mac devices via a Firefox vulnerability targeting only certain cryptocurrency companies.
In the past, “Mac doesn't get infected with viruses” was widely talked about, but over time, Malwarebytes pointed out that Mac has become a popular target for malware developers. Malwarebytes recommends that Mac users also use security software, as it is clear that malicious people are targeting the Mac market.

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