What are the 5 reasons to talk about trauma?

by Lucas Dutra

Trauma , which has been planted in the heart by disastrous experiences, afflicts human heart for a long time. Psychologist Ellen Hendriksen argues that courageously talking to people about such trauma may be helpful for recovery and offers five reasons for talking about trauma.

5 Reasons to Talk About Trauma

Many people, even if traumatic events are hit, speak no further than others. Trauma is a humiliating and frightening event that not only can you never recover, but it makes you feel that no one else understands this feeling. In addition, there are many people who do not know what to say about such a horribly shocking event.

However, if a person who has suffered trauma fails to heal spontaneously, PTSD may develop as a result. Hendriksen says that although there are differences in the way people deal with trauma, he does not stand in a position to direct others, but talking to people about trauma can alleviate the pain of the mind in five ways. It states that there is.

by Inzmam Khan

◆ 1: Get support <br> If you look at the news that there are cases that can cause all types of trauma, such as war, sex crimes, child abuse, domestic violence, gunshots, natural disasters, etc. I understand. In the past, it was thought that the cause of trauma was "an event that people would not normally experience", but according to a 1995 study , 61% of men and 51% of women in the United States are at least once Was found to be experiencing a traumatic event. Trauma is not a very rare event, but it may be a common event that many people experience.

Therefore, Mr. Hendriksen says that many people with trauma contact the “group of survivors” who have similar experience as a clue to recovery. Trauma can isolate and weaken humans, but contact with a group of people who share a similar experience can restore their sense of belonging and get out of isolation.

by Christina Morillo

◆ 2: Understanding what happened to you <br> Trauma is more of a deafening speech than words, and treating trauma is essentially understanding of trauma. That, Hendriksen points out.

Therefore, it is important to verbalize events that are not verbal in order to understand trauma, and talking about trauma to trusted family members, friends and therapists is a great opportunity to process trauma. . Also, it doesn't necessarily mean that you need to say it aloud, and having your pen in your hand to write out your thoughts and trauma on paper is another way to understand trauma.

by Victoria Borodinova

◆ 3: I realize that I am more than a trauma <br> In many cases, trauma is a crucial event in life. Before and after such traumatic events, such as war, crime, and accidents, life can be very different. For example, life may be defined by trauma if it has transcended its identity so that patients suffering from chronic illness become more familiar with the disease at the expert level.

On the other hand, if humans were able to integrate their trauma as part of their identity, they could even have a positive impact on humans. It is important to find out your identity without being swallowed by the trauma while recognizing the fact that the trauma is affecting you now by talking about the trauma.

by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi

◆ 4: Regain the Reality <br> Trauma is so shocking that it overturns people's perception of the real world. Everything is my fault, it feels as untrustworthy as any one, and I feel fear for exposing myself.

However, Hendriksen argues that by bravely talking about trauma, he can find out that this fear was wrong. By talking about the new view of life gained by trauma, the other person can counter that mistake.

by rawpixel.com

◆ 5: Find the meaning of trauma <br> It is said that people who have experienced trauma may discover important things in life through trauma. A study of 253 patients who were sentenced to breast cancer found that many of those who were heavily stressed at the time of the sentence had achieved mental growth six months later. The trauma of breast cancer prosecution has led to people getting out of small stress and reevaluating what matters to life.

Those who developed a sense of purpose through trauma, realized that connections with family and community were important, and acquired mental recovery were said to have grown out through trauma. While great trauma has the ability to escape human stress, Hendriksen believes that understanding and dealing with trauma may make life more meaningful.

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Of course, it is forbidden to try to process trauma in a verbal manner, and it is possible to lead to the development of PTSD if you are forced to talk about trauma even if you are not ready. Mr. Hendriksen said, "Let's keep pace with your own and stay alone as you would for a long journey. There are many reasons not to talk about trauma, but there are more reasons to talk about trauma. I said. "

in Note, Posted by log1h_ik