What are five tips to help you survive in an uncertain world?



There are many problems in modern society, and many people feel uneasy in an uncertain future. While there are studies that people are more likely to worry about future uncertainty, Georgetown University psychologist Jelena Kecmanovic says, `` 5 tips for surviving in an uncertain future world '' Explains.

5 tips for surviving in an increasingly uncertain world

A survey conducted by the American Psychological Association in 2017 (PDF file) found that 63% of Americans were stressed by 'the future of the country' and 57% were stressed by 'the current political situation' . Many people dislike uncertainty, but individual efforts alone cannot reduce political and environmental uncertainty. But Kecmanovic argues that 'it can increase tolerance for uncertainty,' and gives five tips.

◆ 1 : Dare to face uncertainty
People face a lot of uncertainty in their daily lives, but the unfamiliar and unknown events are annoying, and people try to avoid uncertain events whenever possible. If you have any questions about your work, immediately ask someone for help or procrastinate, carefully investigate the weather and transportation before going out, and exchange with your smartphone many times just before meeting with someone Are increasing.

Avoiding uncertainty in this way will reduce stress in the short term, but will result in a loss of tolerance for uncertain events in the long run. `` Tolerance to uncertainty is like muscle that weakens if not trained, '' Kecmanovic said, dare to walk to the destination intuitively without relying on GPS, or to listen to artist songs in advance. He argued that going to concerts without listening could strengthen tolerance for uncertainty.



◆ 2: Focus on bigger goals
Rita Levi-Montalcini , an Italian neurologist and former Jewish community, was banished from his academic profession by Mussolini 's racial policies during World War II, and in a lab he built in his home. Experiments on nerve fiber growth continued. Experiments at the time led to the discovery of nerve growth factor and epidermal growth factor, and Montalcini received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

During World War II, when Nazi Germany flourished, Montalcini was surrounded by various uncertainties, including the dangers of being Jews and the future of the war itself. He said that the results of the research helped Montalcini address the ultimate uncertainty.

Kecmanovic points out that finding and rediscovering the purpose of life can help address life uncertainty , stress and anxiety . He states that religions and spiritual beings that transcend human finiteness and dedication to social cause also help to deal with anxiety and depression caused by uncertainty.



◆ 3: Do not underestimate your coping ability
One reason people dislike uncertainty is the anxiety that 'what if things go wrong?' And when people face negative events that can take life in the wrong direction, they tend to think they don't have enough capacity to deal with it.

However, Kecmanovic says that people underestimate their ability to cope, as well as overestimate and fear their bad mood . Kecmanovic complained that even if a person encounters a very stressful traumatic event, he has a strong resilience to recover from shock, and he does not need to fear the uncertainty as much as he thinks Is.



◆ 4: Improve resilience through thorough self-care
I often hear that 'sleeping well, exercising well, and having social connections are the keys to a happy life', but actually addressing the anxiety that uncertainty brings about the quality and quantity of sleep Is affecting their ability to do so. Similarly, aerobic exercise also reduces anxiety and stress associated with uncertainty, and sleep and exercise are as important to managing uncertainty as physical health.

Loneliness also undermines a person's sense of security and reduces their ability to cope with uncertainty. The feeling of being 'connected to someone' can be a great help in surviving an uncertain world.

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◆ 5: Admit that there is no “absolute thing”
In the first place, there is practically little 'absolutely certain thing' in life, and uncertainty is ubiquitous everywhere. Attempts to predict and control everything in life can be counterproductive, and going too far can lead to obsessive-compulsive disorder . Kecmanovic said that admitting 'nothing is certain in life' as early as possible makes it easier to cope with uncertain life.

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