The university entrance rate will improve by 8% that there is support for filling in the scholarship application form

Children born to poor families not only lose the opportunity to receive higher education such as university, but also become disadvantageous even in finding employment, and have suffered a chain of poverty that makes it difficult for their children to receive advanced education I will. For this reason, many developed countries have established a scholarship system, and there is a system for applying for scholarship called " FAFSA (Federal Student Aid Free Application) " to the United States. It was revealed that by simply supporting this FAFSA application with document preparation software with an input form etc., the advancement rate will rise by 8%.

Role of Application Assistance and Information in College Decisions: Results from the H & R Block Fafsa Experiment * | The Quarterly Journal of Economics | Oxford Academic

The Role of Application Assistance and Information in College Decisions: Results from the H & R Block FAFSA Experiment | The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab

The Role of Application Assistance and Information in College Decisions: Results from the H & R Block Fafsa Experiment | Center for Education Policy Analysis

FAFSA stands for "Free Application for Federal Student Aid" and is generally translated as "Federal Student Aid Free Application". However, in order to apply for this FAFSA, it is necessary to answer more than 100 detailed questions such as receipt of income · savings · government benefits · language skills etc. If there is falsehood or error in the contents at the time of application, You will be warned that you may be fined or put in jail. For this reason, we conducted an experiment with a research team of Professor Eric Bettinger of Stanford University who thought that simplification of the application process is required.

Experiments were conducted in three groups of participants, targeting families with household income of Ohio State and North Carolina less than $ 45,000 (about 5 million yen). The first support group used software to automatically prepare FAFSA's application form from the tax payment record and received explanation from the expert about the missing information. It took about 8 minutes, and the participants were able to apply either by posting the completed documents or sending them online, and asking the call center later if necessary. In the next information providing group, we distributed tax payment records and list of tuition fees of neighboring universities and received information when there is a system called FAFSA. The last control group received only brochures to recommend going to university.

As a result of the experiment, high school students who received support received a college admission rate of 36%, improved by 8 points from 28% in the control group. Meanwhile, there was no improvement in the information provision group. Professors Eric Bettinger and others say that support to each one will lead to many opportunities.

in Note, Posted by log1l_ks