17% of students say they use ChatGPT for assignments or exams

The ability of the interactive AI 'ChatGPT' that can create natural conversational sentences is extremely high, and it boasts a level of ability that can pass the

doctor's license examination made for humans and the examination of the master's course in business administration . There are various opinions about ChatGPT, such as the fact that it can write natural sentences that are comparable to humans, so while there are voices that it should be banned from use in educational settings, there are also voices that it should be taught so that it can be used correctly without banning it. The truth is that there are a lot of opinions out there. A survey asking about the significance of using ChatGPT in the field of education found that about 17% of students at Stanford University in the United States answered that they were using ChatGPT for assignments or exams.

Scores of Stanford students used ChatGPT on final exams

An anonymous survey of students enrolled at Stanford University had 4497 responses, of which about 17% said they used ChatGPT for assignments or exams. It seems that the majority of them used ChatGPT only for brainstorming and generating the skeleton, but about 5% said that they submitted what ChatGPT output as it was without editing it.

The same survey also found that more than half of students said using ChatGPT for assignments violated or would be subject to future violations of their school's code of ethics. However, the standards for how much use is deemed to be a violation differ depending on the student. 31.5% answered that it would be a violation if 'the usage is beyond the idea generation', and 22.7% 'was used in any form'. 21% answered 'if submitted without editing'.

The news that some students were already using ChatGPT for assignments was also communicated to professors, and as a result, some professors reviewed their classes. Michael Bernstein, an associate professor of computer science at Stanford University, has also received submissions using ChatGPT. I knew it was using ChatGPT because the submission contained the ChatGPT cliché: 'I am a large language model trained by OpenAI...'.

Some professors added warnings to the syllabus that ``the use of ChatGPT is a type of plagiarism,'' while others tried to switch to a more traditional method and eliminate all technology. One class states that AI tools, including ChatGPT, are ``generally not recommended'' and that when used, the source should be specified in the same way as citing external sources.

We don't know if the new technology will require revisions to the code of ethics, but a university spokesperson said, 'The judiciary committee is aware of and monitors these technologies,' adding, 'Students are aware of most Students are expected to complete the course on their own without the assistance of AI tools that are not permitted in lectures.'

in Software, Posted by log1p_kr