A ranking 2019 edition will be announced that experts chose 'The most effective diet'

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A doctor dealing exclusively with diabetes, weight loss, heart disease, experts such as nutritionist, diet consultant gathered and evaluated 41 diet methods, as a result of the evaluation of the diet method of 41, the diet method 2019 which the experts most recommend is US News & World Report was announced. The number one is the Mediterranean diet which will be the leader of the eight consecutive years, but the new diet method is also ranked in.
US News Reveals Best Diets Rankings for 2019 | Press Room | US News
This Is the Best Diet of 2019, According to Experts | Time

◆ First place: Mediterranean diet
The Mediterranean meal consumes vegetables and whole grains , healthy fats such as olive oil and canola oil, low fat protein, excludes processed foods, lean meat, and produced sugar It is characterized. The Mediterranean diet lowers the risk of cancer and heart disease and is said to be good for kidney and intestine.
The US News & World Report also announced ranking in several categories, including "Best for Weight Loss", "Diabetes", "Healthy Dietary Life", "Immediate Weight Loss", "Healthy Heart", but the Mediterranean The formula diet is also ranked # 1 in the category of "general", "healthy eating habits", "diabetes", "healthy heart", "easy to execute", "plant base".
Meanwhile, the Mediterranean diet has pointed out that "Many people who got health with a Mediterranean diet are biased towards wealthy and highly educated people ..."
What you need to succeed a Mediterranean diet and become healthy is actually "money" and "culture" - GIGAZINE

One of the papers is also being withdrawn as a problem with the investigation method. There is no "absolute diet effective for any person", but still Mediterranean diet seems to be recognized as "a health benefit" by many experts.
An important paper showing the effect of "Mediterranean diet" using olive oil will be withdrawn - GIGAZINE

◆ 2nd place: Dash · Diet
Dash · diet is a diet that fully ingests vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low fat foods, etc., lean meat, fat and sweets, changing the intestinal environment and suppressing symptoms of depression It is also said.
What is called "dash diet" which is said to ease symptoms of depression? - GIGAZINE

Dash of diet (DASH) is an abbreviation for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (dietary approach to suppress high blood pressure), originally developed with the intention of lowering blood pressure. For this reason, salt is avoided and potassium, calcium, magnesium are securely taken.
◆ 3rd place: Flexitarian diet
The term flexitarian is a combination of "flexible" and "vegetarian", which means "to completely reduce meat but not significantly reduce intake". Based on the research results so far, it is said that eating habits, mainly plants, are useful for reducing the risk of weight loss and chronic diseases such as heart disease · type 2 diabetes · cancer.
◆ 4th: MIND diet
MIND diet is a combination of a dash diet and a Mediterranean diet under the aim of "promoting the health of the brain". Martha Claire Morris, a nutritional epidemiologist working at the University of Rush University Medical Center, has proposed three whole meals and drinking a glass of wine with various vegetables, mainly leaf, Prevent degradation of function. Of course, there is no established scientific way to prevent cognitive decline or Alzheimer's, but Morris's study showed that Alzheimer's risk was reduced by 35% for those who moderately implemented MIND diet People are shown to be 53% lower. However, future research is needed for long-term impact.

by DomenicBlair
◆ 4th place: WW
WW stands for Weight Watchers (Weight Watchers), an American diet program. It is a program that is talked about as highly effective, assigns daily point targets to users based on user's weight and goal, and within that point, foods to which points are assigned in advance are incorporated into the meal something like. Points can be managed with the application, and you can check about almost all foods that exist if you use the database.
In addition, " Northern Europe Diet " is ranked third in "Plant-based Diet" category. The Nordic diet incorporates Scandinavian traditions and culture, it is similar to a Mediterranean diet to consume a lot of whole grains, vegetables, nuts, fish, avoiding red meat, processed foods, and produced sugar . Meanwhile, olive oil and a cup of red wine are recommended for the Mediterranean diet, but the Nordic diet uses canola oil and alcohol is not recommended.
In 2018, " Ketogenic Diet " which was 13th in the "weight loss" category ranked second in 2019. Ketogenic diet focuses on ketone bodies , and by taking plenty of fat and refraining from carbohydrates and proteins, it can burn fat with suppressed appetite. " Butter coffee · diet " which became a topic in 2015 is also one of ketogenic diets. On the other hand, Ducan Diet which prefers high protein intake was evaluated as a wrong diet plan.

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Dr. David Katz of Yale University Preventive Medicine Research Center said, "Although the basis of healthy eating is always the same, the findings from the new research evolve better practice every year," he said. "This ranking reflects the opinions of various experts who have received the latest and diverse nutritional changes, but the dietary principle which is drawing attention in this is venerable correctly, based on scientific evidence It is a reliable one. "
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