What is called "dash diet" which is said to ease depressive symptoms?

byBrooke Lark

As research progressesHow intestines influence human moodHas become clear,Anxiety and depression are related to the state of the intestine, and behavior changes when the intestinal bacteria changeIt is said. Foods that alter the intestinal environment can be cited as vegetables, fruits whole grains, low-fat foods and enough to ingest "Dash diet"It is said that it can lower the risk of depression.

The DASH Diet Helps Depression Symptoms - The Atlantic

In the 20th century, prominent physicians investigating the cause of mental illness "Autologous addictionIs not it in? It leads to the idea that. This is the idea that microorganisms in the intestines tired people who are hosts, making them in a state of depression and neurosis, a medical journal published in 1914 ·Medical RecordThe doctor named Bond Stow suggested that self-addiction is a cause of disorder, lack of ambition, depression, etc. "It is easy to control a person's meal, but it is difficult to control intestinal flora" I write it.

Dr. Daniel R. Brower of Rush Medical College thought that the increase in the incidence of depression in Western Europe was caused by the occurrence of toxins in the gastrointestinal tract due to changes in diet. Like many of the medical sciences at that time contained mistakes, the idea of ​​Dr. Brower 's "toxin" was wrong, but "diet influences people's mood, intestinal bacteria playing its role I could say that the idea of ​​being wrong was not wrong.

byAsdrubal luna

Planned to be released in April 2018Latest researchAccording to the survey of 964 elderly people for six and a half years, the probability of becoming depressed is low when dash diet is performed, while on the other hand it is shown that those who take typical western diet tend to be more prone to depression it was done. In this study, subjects were asked how often they were eating a variety of foods, and each year they were inspected by asking whether they were depressed or not. Associate professor Laurel J. Cherian, a cerebrovascular neurologist at the Rush University Medical Center who conducted the research, said, "We need to look at food as a medicine." "The treatment of depression is wonderful, Combining "will work out well."

The above research has not been peer reviewed yet, but there are other studies that claim that there is a benefit of "suppressing depression" about the dash diet.

Study published in January 2018Then, it was shown that Dash diet reduces depression of adolescent girls. Since half of mental illnesses will develop in their teenagers, the result of being able to reduce depression in their teens is believed to be a way to halt the onset of depression itself.

Meanwhile, Professor John F. Cryan of University College Cork, an expert on the connection between the intestines and the brain, noted attention to the fact that research in this field is observational research and that elderly people are subjects I am urging you. It is said that senile depression is different from general depression.

What is necessary for a successful Mediterranean diet to become healthy is "money" and "culture"It is true that wealthy people are better able to take better meals and become happy, as the results of their research are announced. In this regard, the study of Assrian Cherian who investigated about the dash diet does not control the socioeconomic status. But overall, there is evidence that eating habits improve symptoms of depression even when controlling factors such as income and education, Felice Jacka, professor of nutritional psychiatry at Deakin University Says.

byHeloisa Nass

In 2010, Mr. Jacka discovered that women who consume a lot of crops, meat, fish, whole grains, have major depressive disorder and anxiety lower than those of others. After that, Mr. Jacka who meta-analyzed 21 studies said, "We take intake a lot of fruits · vegetables · whole grain · fish · olive oil · low fat dairy · antioxidant substances and take a small amount of animal food It is obviously related to depressed risk of depression ". Mr. Jacka says that the relationship between meals and depression is clear from previous research results so that no other research is needed.

The dash diet itself is "lean meat, baked potatoes, plenty of vegetables", it is not a revolutionary meal. I am studying why the dash diet is beneficial, but the main hypothesis is that there is a reason for "brain and intestinal connection". When you take a meal rich in vegetable foods, the fiber of the plant is fermented in the gastrointestinal tract to produce short chain fatty acids. Short chain fatty acids are said to regulate the immune system and influence gene expression in the brain and others. Also, taking out fibers increases various bacteria, and these are considered to produce chemical substances that affect mood.

byCaju Gomes

Professor Cryan says that in recent years the recognition of the importance of eating habits has increased in addition to what has been emphasized since ancient times, such as sleep and exercise. Of course, studies on the connection between the intestines and the brain are in the early stages of research and there are parts to be cautious, but people who are depressed try to see if improvement of diet leads to alleviation of the symptoms It is recommended.

in Science,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log