Pilic soup has eaten Matsuya's 'Tofu Kimuchichige Nenpanzen' that keeps the tattoo until the end

Matsuya When the cold season comes, a classic menu · Tofu Kimchigija meal is changed to "Nabe" in 2018, so I went to Matsuya to eat.
Tofu Kimuchichige hotpot serving new release! | Matsuya Foods
Arriving in Matsuya, a big banner next to the entrance.

There is a caution notation that "It's a hot menu".

When purchasing a ticket and sitting down, "Tofu Kimchichige Nenpanza" was brought in about 5 minutes. You can choose between raw eggs or semi - eggs, 630 yen including tax at the same time. Until November 13 (Tue) 15 o'clock, rice is in full swing service. In addition, it is 780 yen including tax if "Tofu Kimchi Chige Nabe Pork Sword Calvic Set" with pork ribs with grilled meat.

At the time when it is carried, the hot pot with boiling

The difference from 2017 and earlier was that it was offered in "pot" format instead of "dish". With this, you can enjoy TigeSepe in hot condition to the end. In the first place, "Tige" may mean Tsukkomi, which means pot dish.

Ingredients are beef, tofu, Chinese cabbage, spring onions. Tofu has a fairly passive fever, but it is not hot enough to say, "You can not eat until you cool down."

The sweetness of meat and vegetables is oozing while Tsuyoshi is hot but the Tige Supe is excellent with white rice. This time I made it in parallel, but it seems that even if it makes a great bite it will get stomachin 'smoothly.

Eggs are dropped in the center of the ingredients this time, I tried to make it as a sukiyaki style with beef, but it may be good to melt and pour into the pot.

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