'There is a regional difference in morals' is found from the survey results by the ethical dilemma judging tool of the automatic driving car

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When an automated driving car is put into practical use, accidents caused by manual operation error are reduced, and it is said that car accidents will decrease as a result. On the other hand, it is inevitable that an unavoidable accident occurs even if an automatic driving car is held, and in the event of such an accident, "Automatic driving car is either the crew's life or the pedestrian's life Do you think that priority should be given to? "Ethical problems emerge. As a result of investigating the idea for such an ethical dilemma on a global scale, it became clear that "there is no one common in the world, regional differences in moral direction".

The Moral Machine experiment | Nature

Self-driving car dilemmas reveal that moral choices are not universal

If the car is about to crash a pedestrian, should we prioritize the occupant's life and program it to hit the pedal as it is, or even risk the occupant by giving priority to the pedestrian's life Whether to program to avoid evasion is a big problem in practical application of automatic driving cars. The research team at Massachusetts Institute of Technology uses tools to investigate what kind of decision to make when faced with a virtual accident called " moral machine ", what kind of ethical awareness are held by people all over the world We collected data and analyzed it.

Thirteen scenarios are definitely dead in surveys of morals and machines, and respondents are allowed to die from among various variables such as the age of people who die, the gap between rich and poor, and the number of people, who will be killed I answered whether I think I should save it. There are few people who actually experienced such situations and some people criticize "Are the scenarios raised with such quizzes really mean?", But researchers It is argued that general drivers are being pressed for daily moral judgment on a daily basis every day.

The research team completed the moral machine by hand of international team gathered psychologists, anthropologists, economists, and analyzed the data obtained in the operation for 18 months. The data contains a total of 40 million "people's choices in an ethical and grueling situation" data by people in 223 countries around the world.


As a result, regardless of factors such as age, gender, country and place of residence, it became clear that people tended to prioritize human life over pet life and prioritize the larger number of lives than small people . It is suggested that a certain orientation can be made to the ethical judgment program installed in an automatic driving car as the international tendency to some extent became clear.

On the other hand, when the research team analyzed the answer data of 130 countries where at least 100 respondents were obtained, it is said that the fact that "there is a difference in criteria for moral judgment among countries" emerged. Each country is a 'West side' group that includes North America and several European countries and strongly influenced by Christianity, 'East side' group where influence of Confucianism and Islam such as Japan, Indonesia and Pakistan is strong, the last one It is said that it can be divided into three groups, "South side" group consisting of Latin America, the former colony of France and France.

It has been confirmed that each group has its own unique tendency. For example, the first group tended to sacrifice the lives of the elderly to save the lives of young people, but the second group gives priority to the lives of the elderly rather than the lives of young people It is said that there is a tendency.

by Matthias Zomer

The following image is "Moral Compass" which shows the tendency of three groups "West side" "East side" "South side" in one figure. On the "West side" and "South side", there is a tendency to try to help many people, while on the "East side" there is not much tendency to be seen. Also, the "south side" is aggressive in acting intentionally to help a group that has changed the direction of travel of an automated driving car, and the "west side" and "east side" do not want to change the course of an automatic driving car so much , You can see the interesting trends seen for each group.

According to the research team, in countries where strong administrative organizations such as Finland and Japan are built, they are illegally crossing the pedestrians crossing the road rather than countries not well governed by the government like Nigeria and Pakistan It is said that there is a tendency to deaf. Also, interesting differences appeared when placing people with high social status such as corporate executives on the road, and people with low ranking like homeless. In countries with small economic disparities like Finland, while the idea of ​​prioritizing one's lives is weak, in countries with large economic disparities like Colombia, people who are low in social status like the homeless are killed There was a tendency to try.

Mr. Ajim Sharifu , a psychologist at the University of British Columbia in Canada, reflects the findings of this survey reflecting the differences in ethical awareness among people, which is very interesting. "From this result we can assume that people think that they have equal political consciousness in places where the level of income disparity is low and that they are equally concerned about the life that should be saved in case of emergency, Mr. Sharif is speaking.

Computer researcher Iyad Rafuwan who participated in the study said, "The results showed that there is no complete and universal rule for automatic driving cars," he said, For a driving car to be accepted by society, a separate ethical consensus may be required for each society.

The moral machine of the ethics consciousness judgment tool used in this survey can be actually used from the following official page.

Moral machine

in Note,   Software,   Vehicle, Posted by log1h_ik