Apple's Tim Cook advocates comprehensive legislation to protect privacy from 'personal data industry complex'

In modern society where people connect to the Internet, much of personal behavior is converted into data, it is sucked up by companies and utilized in various ways, there are concerns about privacy in existence there. Apple's CEO Tim Cook should advance legislation on digital privacy like the EU in the United States to protect the privacy of users from "data-industrial complex" that handles such data We revealed the idea.
Tim Cook data privacy speech: Apple CEO calls for comprehensive data laws in America - The Verge
Mr. Cook who got involved in a privacy-related meeting held in Brussels, Belgium raised problems with respect to the exploitation (abuse) of personal data which is frequently seen in recent years, so that data including user's privacy is appropriately managed and operated We gave a spirit about the importance of advancing legislation of the law.

Mr. Cook pointed out that the development of technology in recent years has made weaponize the utilization of personal data at the level of the military technology level and that its target is directed to the other users. Mr. Cook avoids explicitness, but keeping in mind the activities of companies such as Cambridge Analytica where illegal use of 50 million user data on Facebook and Google, which makes extensive use of personal data It is certain that it was placed in Mr. Cook and Mr. Cook clearly pushes the difference between those companies and the policy of Apple.
In a keynote speech held at the conference, Ms. Cook said, "Platforms and algorithms that were supposed to improve our lives actually increase the bad traits within us" It is. Furthermore, Mr. Cook said, "Even malicious parties and even the government sometimes use the trust of users to deepen divorce, encourage violence and neglect the common perception of the good and evil that we have cultivated I am ringing the alarm bell.
Keynote address from Tim Cook, CEO, Apple Inc - YouTube
And Mr. Cook reveals his thought of highly appreciating the EU General Data Protection Rule ( GDPR ) that was adopted from May 2018. When you are traveling around the internet everyday, you notice that a confirmation dialog saying "Do you agree with handling cookie?" Appears recently, but this is one of the effects of GDPR. GDPR, which stipulates the user's privacy data to be properly handled, can impose fines of up to 4% of total sales to companies with inadequate data handling.
In his speech, Mr. Cook insists that the same rules as GDPR should be set in the United States. In doing so, the rights of the four users are "right to minimize personal data" "right to know what kind of data is collected" "right to access those data" "data secure The right to be managed "is stated as the most important matter.
Furthermore, in response to the anticipated objection that "such regulation hinders innovation", he stated that "that way of thinking is not only mistaken but destructive" The potential of technology is something that is based on or based on beliefs in people. "
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