The hospital releases the Spotify playlist for successful cardiopulmonary resuscitation, such as Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber

by PublicDomainPictures
That "can be performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the correct rhythm If you remember this song", cardiopulmonary resuscitation music playlist for the (CPR) is New York hospital has published. Because the songs of famous artists released in various ages line up a lot, it is familiar to the ears and it is a playlist that you know and have no loss.
A hospital made a Spotify playlist of hot jams to help you perform CPR
Julia Reinstein, writer of BuzzFeed News on October 10, 2018, said, "I learned the way to save my life today, I learned CPR methods, but the important thing is that the New York Presbyterian Medical Center has the right beat I had music to do CPR with Spotify's playlist. "
I learned how to do CPR comprehensive how to save my life but more importantly I found out New York Presbyterian Hospital maintains a Spotify playlist of songs that are the right beat to time CPR compressions to and it is on point pic.twitter .com / C05BFPawBc
- julia reinstein (@ juliareinstein) October 10, 2018
Indeed, the New York Presbyterian Medical Center has a web page of CPR ... ...
Hands Only CPR | NewYork-Presbyterian

Explain the three processes for CPR "confirm", "telephone" and "pressure" in the movie in the page.
Hands Only CPR (30 secs) - YouTube
I also have a playlist of Spotify consisting of 47 songs. Famous songs such as Lady Gaga , Adel , Michael Jackson , Justin Bieber , Spice Girls , Simon & Garfunkel , Mariah Carey , Madonna and others are famous songs, followed by famous songs and heard "Oh ~ this rhythm! It is what you can do. Also included songs that are likely to encourage lyrics such as "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gainor and "Stayin 'Alive" by Bee Gees .
Since these songs are rhythms of 100 bpm (100 beats per minute), if you remember even one song included in the playlist, it is possible to compress with the right rhythm during CPR.
The playlist has already been followed by 10,000 people and the New York Presbyterian Medical Center is adding to the playlist as needed when new 100 bpm songs appear.
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