Tempura overflowing from the cup Tempura & Juwa and chopsticks reciprocating stops to stop stopping 'Nissin no Denmei rich whole shabba' Taste Review

"Dynasty Oku," "softly steamed chicken," "crispy tempura", and ingredients overflowing from the cup are impact- oriented " Nissin no Denmei Rich All Fish Shabu " goes from October 15th (Monday), 2018 Appears. It was said that it was developed in response to the popularity of " Donbiry and Rich All Rotted Udon " which appeared in April 2018, so I tried it ahead of the other.
"Dingbae of Nissin and Rich All-Shiso Soba" (released on 15th October) | Nissin Food Group
This is "Nissei's Donbu and Rich All Fishesoba"

It is the same diameter as the usual Daipei cup, but ......

Since the ingredients do not fit in the cup, it is a special package with a cover lid attached.

When you take the cover lid, you can quickly and carelessly put down sackcloth tempura sachet.

Take the lid and feel like a normal donbu.

Calories are 512 kcal per serving ... ...

Tempura, fried seasoned fried seasoned chicken meat and seaweed are lined up at the raw material name.

When the lid was peeled off again, powder soup & coloring shichimi was put on top of the raise.

Make powder soup ahead of time ...

Pour hot water and wait 3 minutes.

After 3 minutes, put the crispy tempura afterwards. As the name of "Rich", there is luxury though it is easy instant, and it feels like luxury ......

Put a coloring shrimp with your choice ... ...

I will eat it. Noodles are as usual fried noodles. Tsuyu of a thick eyed lotus which is feeling the flavor of todo and bamboo soybean soy sauce is often involved.

When you chew tempura, the fragrance of shrimp and blue sea is spreading and you feel like crispy crispy that you want to eat forever "After all it is Tenpura Soba is Tempura Soba ~!" ...

Thanks to chewiness and sweet soup will overflow your treat. It is necessary to choose either "Kitsuneidon" or "Tempura-Odoru" either because I was suffering that "Odori and tempura are not easy to throw away" normally, but "Nissei's Donburi rich all-fisosoba" He makes such a trouble a thing.

The presence is unreliable compared to Ogae & Tempura, but soft steamed chicken & wakame was also a shadow actor.

Furthermore, "Nissei's Donburi rice topped with rice topped with rice" is sold at 313 yen plus tax and is sold on October 15, 2018 (Monday).
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in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log