A time when the expression of the net is largely restricted may come due to the 'net copyright revision proposal' proceeding in EU

On September 10, 2018, the European Parliament of the EU will vote on whether the legal framework for protecting copyright on the Internet is appropriate or not. The biggest point of this "net copyright revision proposal" is the content which will impose the link tax where the copyright royalty will occur only by putting a hyperlink on the site and the responsibility to filter the contents on the web service side , If it is passed, the appearance of the net may be very different from that before.
The future is here today: you can not play Bach on Youtube because Sony says they own his composition / Boing Boing
One day James Rose, acting as a pianist, took a picture of his performance with a camera and released it on YouTube. Immediately after that, it seems that the video is judged to infringe copyright by the Content ID which is operated to protect copyright on YouTube, and the movie can not be released.
Mr. Rose's 47 seconds movie being played is played by Baroque great composer Johan Sebastien Bach. Mr. Rose was also surprised at the fact that copyright exists in Bach's song over 300 years since his death, but furthermore he was surprised that the copyright holder was Sony Music Entertainment, he was angry I remembered that. Rose said on Twitter "Hey @ SonyMusicEnt , apparently you seem to have copyright of my 47 second Bach's performance, Bach has died more than 300 years ago, and I play this performance In the living room of my house.Do not stop becoming a motherfucker , do not have anything, you guys are throwing an angry tweet.
Hey AttoSonyMusicEnt -....! Apparently You 'Own' 47 Seconds Of My Performance Of Bach He Died 300 Years Ago And I Made This Recording In My Living Room Stop Being Assholes You Own NOTHING Pic.Twitter.Com/t9IYWf3l70
- James Rhodes (@ JRhodesPianist) September 4, 2018
It is hard to convince the fact that Sony owns copyright on Bach, 300 years ago, but in reality such events are often seen in YouTube's Content ID. There is a mysterious situation that a third party who is not originally a copyright holder unjustly asserts the right of contents, and in an extreme case, a movie that only causes white noise called "shar" is "copyright infringement" There is also the case that it receives a complaint.
A copyright infringement complaint continued to a movie that just passed a noise, why the hell? - GIGAZINE

Actually, this Content ID mechanism is the copyright management method itself that the European Parliament is about to adopt. On YouTube, only contents of music and movies are subject to Content ID, but if the copyright revision bill on September 10 is passed, in addition to music and movies, text and photos, still images, program codes, Everything on the net is considered to be the subject.
It is true that there are many cases where it is inevitable to say that copyright is definitely being overlooked on the Internet but it is questionable whether the method the European Parliament is about to adopt effectively solves the problem The situation can be said to remain. Attention is gathered as to what kind of judgment the European Parliament will make.
Reason why the EU amends the digital copyright law, such as "link tax" Why must we pay attention to the "revised copyright draft directive" - GIGAZINE

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