NFL football players adopt 'vegetable-centered eating habits' as a way to boost performance

By Ralf Κλενγελ

The players of large bodies collide hard and the American football league "NFL" who compete for ball competing is important to make a body no matter what. It is not surprising to think that "You are eating a lot of meat a day, every day", but in fact NFL in recent years attracts attention to adopt Vegan 's meal style which does not take any animal food.

NFL players' surprising performance hack: going vegan

For the NFL team with many big body football players, providing a fulfilling meal to players is one of the important tasks related to war record. Buffalo Bills, based in New York, is one of such teams, and the ingredients prepared for the players are 600 pounds of beef (about 270 kg), 700 pounds of chicken (about 320 kg), and a large amount of fish It seems that it is a huge amount in the way.

However, among the NFL players, the number of athletes shifting to meat-centered meals, vegetarian-centered vegetarians and vegan grapes Vegan is increasing. Tom Brady who is playing in the New England Patriots is one of them and continues to be active while being 41 years old. According to an article about Brady player , he changed the eating habits so far to the vegetable center in the latter half of thirties, and at the same time stopped stopping pursuit of muscle mass and focusing on the flexibility of the body I am striving to create a body that can play for a longer time by incorporating it.

Brady is not the only one shifting to vegetable-centered diet. Brady players have developed TB12 Performance Meals that offers vegan food for athletes by pairing tags with Vegan's meal offering service "Purple Carrot", and many players and teams have started to incorporate it It is said that.

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That's right. It's widely accepted and it's getting easier to be vegan with all the great vegan restaurants popping up left and right and more and more and more vegan brands are available to you in grocery stores nationwide. Let's keep the movement going be # VeganStrong Photo by: # DaniellaHehmann.... # 300 poundvegan # OurHenHouse # messengerpr # meessagevannow # vegan # animalrightsactivist # podcastingerview # makeadifference

Posted by David Carter (@ iamdavidhcarter)

Wesley · Woodyard player of lineback belonging to Tennessee · Titans first thought that when heard that the team adopted Vegan food, he thought "What was bleeding", but that idea gradually changed. "I think my energy level has risen and the quality of the energy source is getting better.It is hard to avoid losing weight during the season but first it's worth having my own health as a top priority I think "I'm talking about the meaning of keeping vegan food.

Changing meals to vegetable centers has meaning to alleviate the stress in the body. In the research content announced in 2015, it is indicated that by adopting vegetable derived meals such as brown rice, oatmeal, rye bread as main, it is effective to heighten physical and emotional health.

The reason is that plant-derived ingredients are generally low fat and contain a lot of antioxidants. Research results that show that part of depression is caused by "inflammation in the body" has been shown in the past, but plant-derived foods containing low fat and high antioxidant substances have low inflammation It is recognized that there is an effect to suppress it.

Part of depression is caused by "Inflammation in the body": Research result |

In this way, although it is known that some effects can be expected by incorporating Vegan 's dietary habits, suddenly it is not easy to change the meal so far. Even in such a case, it seems that it has been confirmed that although it is little by little, even by setting only vegetarian breakfast or "Vigan Monday" to make all 3 meals vigan only on Monday it will be effective little by little.

in Food, Posted by darkhorse_log