The blog service 'Hatena diary' ends in spring 2019, 15 years after service start

Among the many blog services, announced that especially was taking shape close to the "web diary" format "Hatena Diary" is finished in prospect the spring of 2019, is integrated with the least of the blog service "Hatena blog" It was.
Request for notice of the end of "Hatena diary" in the spring of 2019 and transition to "Hatena blog" - Hatena diary diary

"Hatena diary" is a beta version from 16th January 2003, the official version started service from 13th March 2003. Just during the period from 2003 to 2004, it was a time when many blog services were born in Japan.
Among them, "Hatena keyword" was a major feature of "Hatena diary". A shared dictionary that the user creates and edits oneself, a list of diaries in which the corresponding keyword appears can be seen, or a diary describing similar keywords when introducing an article with his own "Hatena diary" introduces There was the function of "Otori diary" to be done, and the opportunity was established for the diary and diary to be connected.
Although the display of the blog service is basically "one article unit", the Hatena diary was characteristic as being named as "Date" as the name "diary". However, as well as other blogs later, settings were added so that it can be displayed in article units as well.
Appeared eight years after "Hatena diary" appeared, it is the successor service "Hatena Blog". Originally it appeared that there was also some opinion that the difference with "Hatena diary" is not well understood, but the official version appeared on January 23, 2013. As of 2018, it is said that Hatena blogs are overwhelming the Hatena diary by the number of users.
Mr. Yasuhiro Ohnishi of Hatena 's Service and Systems Development Headquarters declared in the " Hatena Engineer Blogger Festival " held on December 14, 2013, "I will not stop Hatena diary" and declared " Hatena diary · blog, I'm making new things to try not to distract things like betraying that expectation that you are using, hopefully, I hope to develop it as a wonderful service beyond that as expected. " Although I wrote in the blog, it is said that integration into Hatena blog was decided because of the difficulties of continuous operation and the concentration of development resources.
Users who wish to keep using the service in the future should move to Hatena Blog or transition to other services. However, even if you do not make a transition, "It is planned to keep the state that you can continue viewing posted data that has already been published", so you do not have to be impatient right now, consider your destination carefully Then it looks good.
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in Web Service, Posted by logc_nt