Tasting review of 'Sea Chicken Corned Beef', a mysterious new ingredient called tuna when eaten as it is and corned beef when cooked

'Sea Chicken Corned Beef ', which is a combination of K & K's 'Corned Beef' and Foods' 'Sea Chicken', was released on August 20, 2018 (Monday). It's OK to eat it as it is, and it's OK to cook it, and it is said that it is a 'tasteful finish that makes the best use of the taste of each ingredient', so I bought it immediately and checked what kind of food it was.
Sea Chicken Corned Beef | Kokubu Group Headquarters Co., Ltd.
This is the sea chicken corned beef that arrived at the editorial department.

Looking at the raw material names, 'corned beef (beef, beef tallow, etc.)' is listed first, followed by 'tuna oil pickles (kihada tuna, soybean oil, etc.)'. Calories are 277 kcal per 80 g of can.

The canned food in the box is more like sea chicken than corned beef.

However, when I opened the can, it was not the color of sea chicken by any means.

When I loosened it, it looked more like corned beef than sea chicken. However, when I asked the editorial staff to try 'what do you think?', 5 out of 5 answered 'sea chicken', and no one answered 'corned beef'. The texture is like corned beef, but the taste is more like tuna.
Mayonnaise and dare ...

Put it in rice ...

When I made it into rice balls, it tasted 100% Tuna Mayo. There is no corned beef likeness anywhere.

'What the hell is this? I can't find anything like corned beef ...', but I decided to cook it this time. Cut the potatoes and microwave for 6 minutes.

Heat the garlic and butter in a frying pan and add the chinned potatoes and sea chicken corned beef.

I tried to make it

'What if this makes tuna potatoes? The meaning of sea chicken corned beef is lost ...' When I ate it, I wondered what it was, and strangely, I couldn't find the tuna-like taste. The corned beef-like and meaty taste was on the front, and the garlic and butter flavor made it a junk finish. It looks good for sake.

Put the dried bonito on it and it's done.

Mentsuyu and dried bonito flakes add a fish flavor, so I'm wondering if it's like tuna for a moment, but if I keep eating it, the corned beef will chase afterwards. What are you eating I'm not sure when asked, but I felt the taste of fish and meat was good, half by half.

It was a mysterious food, so I actually compared it with corned beef and sea chicken. Then, when I ate only sea chicken corned beef, I felt that it had a 'sea chicken-like taste', but when I compared it, I realized that it had two characteristics, half and half, as the name 'sea chicken corned beef' suggests.

It seems that this is because the characteristic of corned beef is its junk, and in sea chicken corned beef, by combining corned beef and tuna, it is finished as 'light corned beef'. So if you add junk to the cooking, the corned beef feeling will be restored immediately.

You can also use it as a salad topping.

This time I tried using Caesar salad dressing. Since it has a standard taste with no habit, it has a wide range of cooking and it seems that you can choose any type of dressing.

The sea chicken corned beef is 390 yen including tax and can be purchased from the following page. The seasoning is so standard and easy to eat that it seems to be a standard product, and it is interesting that the flavor changes depending on the cooking method, so if you are interested, it is ant to experiment.
Sea Chicken Corned Beef | ROJI Nihonbashi Official Site

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