What is the popular 'ISP of community management' in the United States?
There are present circumstances that many people are shunned from the Internet service provider (ISP) in the United States for reasons such as "unduly raising the value". As a result, many people do not contract with general ISP companies, they are contracting with an ISP company operating a community. Motherboard explains what kind of community-managed ISP is.
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According to a survey by Consumer Reports , a non-profit media in the United States, the number one in ISP market share is the EPB of the ISP operator managed by the community, and has been twice the top in the past three years. Consumer Reports is evaluated not only from the viewpoint of communication quality and line speed, but also as a top ISP in real America, because it also evaluates market value.
The reason why community-managed ISP gathers popularity is that many ISPs operated by companies are rampant "price increase of service usage fee" unclear reason. For ISPs managed by companies, we lower initial service usage fees to collect subscribers. However, as the service fee increases sharply as of 12 months since joining the service, it is normal to say that the price will not be known until it is billed.
This makes many consumers distrust the ISP and people who leave the ISP provided by the company will continue. In addition, consumers who can not believe ISP managed by the company gathered together to establish a community-managed ISP that independently provides internet connection at a cheap rate. At the time of writing the article, there are more than 750 community operated ISPs in the US, and many people are transferring from the company's ISP.
Christopher Raymond, who is in charge of editing electronics related articles at Consumer Reports, says, "There are current situations where it is difficult for ISPs of many community operations to be small and to be ranked, but a very appropriate fee structure We do not make abnormal price increases like the ISP managed by the company, "he says, explaining that he is continuing sound management.
Before consumers launch and manage their own ISP themselves, some people have raised the question of "Is there no option for local municipalities in the United States to operate ISPs?" There are legislation established by ISP lobby activists in more than 21 states in the United States, and local governments prohibit ISP management. From this, it is the present situation that soil where many local governments in the United States can not operate ISP on behalf of companies is completed.
However, as of 2018 there is a move to remove state law in Colorado province and try to launch state-owned ISP, the situation is gradually changing. Also, with the rise of ISPs with highly transparent community management, including EPB, it is expected that high-speed and inexpensive Internet connections will become increasingly popular. An ISP managed by an American company such as Comcast may be approaching the timing of change of direction.
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in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log