Will packet flat rate plans disappear even in Japan? E-Mobile also official answer

America's largest mobile phone company"Verizon Wireless" will abolish the packet flat rate plan from this month and switch to pay-per-use billing, About the fact that the top two companies in the U.S. have shifted to the pay-as-you-go system, whether the situation will be similar in Japan by 4580 yen per month for calls and data communications will be fixed amount "Call flat rate free campaign"We asked e-Mobile which develops a slightly different strategy with the three major companies, including launching the"

In addition, for similar questions alreadyKDDIYaSoftBank mobile,NTT docomoHas responded.

The inquiries and answers are as follows.

As of July 2011, is traffic of 3G network increasing?

It is increasing.

Do you predict when the traffic will reach the limit at the present time?

We do not disclose it in particular.

Verizon Wireless in the US and AT & T reviews the "packet flat rate plan" and switched to pay-per-use billing, but is there any possibility of review if traffic continues to grow?

There is nothing concretely determined now.

Mobile phones companies are making efforts to distribute the traffic of 3G networks, but please tell us about your efforts.

We are working on data offloading by introducing a combination of mobile communication and fixed communication menu.

Because we are aggressively developing data communication services, the main efforts that e-Mobile believes is likely to be affected by traffic increase is to provide a service combining mobile communication and fixed communication "EMOBILE light".

It uses e-Mobile's network from 2:00 to 20:00, and by using the home optical fiber network from 20: 00 to 2: 00 which is generally considered as the time zone when traffic increases , It has adopted innovative idea that both networks can be used with less than 6000 yen a month.

Incidentally, as with the three major companies, eMobile also implements bandwidth limitation for heavy users of data communication, but the content is "if the packet traffic volume every 24 hours exceeds 3 million packets (366 MB), that day "Communication speed control is carried out from 21 o'clock to 2 o'clock the next day", adopting the one lighter than the standard of "3 million packets in 3 days" launched by other companies and also limiting the time period for further control In consideration of that, it may be that there is more traffic than the big three companies.

· Continued
Will packet flat rate plans disappear even in Japan? I also contacted UQ WiMAX - GIGAZINE

in Coverage,   Mobile, Posted by darkhorse_log