A new 'popular movie' category is added to the Academy Award, however, as early as unpopular

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced on August 8, 2018 (Wednesday, 2018) that a new "prize given to popular movies" will be added to the Academy Award for honoring superior movies and production producers. However, the existence of this award is reported that SNU has poor uke and it is becoming "Popular Movie Prize not popular".
Twitter Reacts to New Oscars Popular Film Category: 'This is so Lazy' - Variety
Oscars: Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences adds popular film category | EW.com

It has been pointed out that the movies that are chosen for the Academy Award are deviated from before. Academy members who choose prize-winning work are said to be easy to select art-based / independent movies and movies involving their favorite celebrities, and in the last few years they have chosen " Shape of Domestic box office income of works such as " Water ", " Moonlight ", " Artist " has not reached 100 million dollars (about 11 billion yen).
It is believed that bias of the selected work is related to the fact that most of the Academy members are aged white men. Therefore, by 2020 it is promised to double the number of women and minorities. In 2018, 900 new members newly joined, of which 49% are women and 38% are colored people.
Although the Academy Award is "the award ceremony with the most audience", the number of viewers of relaying the award ceremony has decreased from 32 million in 2017 to 26.5 million in 2018. It is regarded as adding a new category called "popular movie" in response to such a declining trend. The addition of new categories has also been in the past, and the long animated film prize is also a relatively new award, which was added in 2002 to honor the work that is being overlooked.
Specific name and detailed information of "Award to hit popular movie" is not clarified at the time of article creation, but it is reported that it is already criticized on Twitter.
This is because it is believed that the creation of the popular film award is for the Movie Black Panther . Black Panther is a popular actor who is consolidating major performers with black actors and is also supported by critics as including social themes, causing social phenomena both in the United States and abroad. It is said that box office income is the third largest in the United States, and it is said that he can aim for the first prize of the Academy Award for the first time as a hero movie.
Voices saying that it was made as a "memorial award" for the Black Panther who is not nominated for the work prize about being announced to create the popular film award at this timing ......
"The Black Panther Memorial Award for Movie That We're Afraid Will not Get a Best Picture Nomination"
- David Sims (@ davidlsims) August 8, 2018
There are raising questions raising doubts as "Is" Black Panther "or" Mission: Impossible "a prize for a prize?
So ... does that mean films like 'Black Panther' and 'Mission Impossible' can not compete for Best Picture? Https://t.co/ed4NfFcflX
- Stuart Oldham (@ s_oldham) August 8, 2018
Some also assume that the award is "special fake Oscar" for Black Panther.
As for a "popular film" award, it is a ghetto and will be perceived that way. "Oh, It's lovely that the rabble went to Black Panther - here's a special fake Oscar it can win ! "This is just a head-slapper on all counts.
- Mark Harris (@ Mark Harris NYC) August 8, 2018
In addition to adding popular movie categories, it was announced that changes to make it easier to see from outside the United States, including to shorten the three-hour awards ceremony, are planned. This trial starts from 2019 and will be changed to early February, when the other Hollywood movie awards will be held instead of the end of February of 2020. fv
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in Movie, Posted by darkhorse_log