Remarks that President Trump should regulate violent games and movies due to gun shooting incident
I woke up in a high school in Parkland, Florida, USA in February 2018Gun shooting incidentOn February 21, President Donald Tramp invited students who were parties to the case and guardians of the victims to the White House and met with them. Among them, President Trump has revealed that it is a policy to strengthen the identity survey at the time of purchasing a gun, but at the same time violent cases like gunshot incidents occur in the background of violent games for young people We are pointing out the possibility that it may have influenced.
Trump Says Video Game Violence Is 'Shaping Young People's Thoughts'
In the visit held at the White House, President Trump said, "There are many things on the Internet that will adversely affect the young child's young heart, so we need to carefully monitor the internet, It may be necessary to take action on how the young minds are formed, what young people see and what they feel, and also about video games. I have heard that many people are talking about the violent video game forming the thought of young people.If you go one step further, there is a movie.There are many violent things in the movies.A child If sex is not included, we will be able to see movies that contain depictions that kill people, so we will use a new rating system Talks and kicking Perhaps there is a need ", violent expression of games and movies have criticized that adversely affect the youth.
At meeting on school safety, President Trump says violence in video games and movies is responsible for shaping young people's thoughts: "We have to do something about maybe what they're seeing"
- CNN (@ CNN)February 22, 2018
This is not the first time for President Trump to criticize violent games, it happened in 2012Sandy Hook primary school gun shooting incidentEven when I was playing, I was controversial by tweeting with my own Twitter account, "I must stop violence and praise in video games, this is creating monsters!"
Video game violence & amp; glorification must be stopped-it is creating monsters!
- Donald J. Trump (@ real DonaldTrump)December 17, 2012
However, politicians who think that violent games will adversely affect young people is not only President Trump,Politicians in KentuckyAlso speaking in the radio program "Violent games slow down human emotions". Kotaku of overseas game media said about the behavior of these politicians, "It is the same as the way politicians have been doing for decades to deflect the second section of the Constitution and the responsibility for gun control." I criticize it.
In addition, in the visit held at the White House, together with a story concerning sales restrictions such as "strengthening the identity survey at the time of purchasing the gun" and "raising the availability age of the assault rifle from the current 18 years old to 21 years old"If the teacher is armed with a gun, the gun shooting incident ends soonThe story that is also popping out. In addition, President Cardinal Trump said about the armed of teachers during the presidential election in 2016, "The unscrupulous Hilary has supported that I will bring a gun into the school's classroom." was doing.
Crooked Hillary said that I want guns brought into the school classroom. Wrong!
- Donald J. Trump (@ real DonaldTrump)May 22, 2016
Although it is a gun shooting incident frequently occurring in the United States, why is it hard to strengthen gun control, many politiciansI received a large amount of donation from the National Rifle Associationis. In response to the recent gun shooting incident, many young people appealed for strengthening gun control, as well as politicians receiving donations from the National Rifle Association "Shame on you!"I am blowing hard criticism.
Discussion about the relation between game and violence is reemerging again as a gun shooting incident triggered, but in the latest research just published in January 2018, it is "playing the game" and "violent It is indicated that there is nothing to do between something ".
A research result is announced that it is not related to "playing a game" and "being violent" - GIGAZINE
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in Game, Posted by logu_ii