'Light painting machine' that can make freely a fantastic image using light is made by himself
A man developed a robot called "Light Painting Machine" that draws fantastic animation with light in the dark using long exposure of the camera. Because the robot is controlled, precise light movement is to the eye. The image is released with the making image and the code actually used.
Light Painting Machine - YouTube
A man who turned over the mattress in the room.
When I was wondering, I took out some kind of equipment.
We started using black mattress for the dark curtain, setting up the equipment. Pleasantly it looks like a 3D printer.
A die is placed in the middle of the device, and a stick extending from the top of the device is located next to it.
There is something like a slider at the top of the device, so that you can move the stick freely.
Start up the device. The appearance that the tip shining glow sticks does not look like special thing happens even if it is seen with the naked eye ......
Looking at the images taken with long exposure ......
Light painting was done.
Since the device is controlled by the computer, you can create a light painting image by controlling the stick with preset movement.
Taken with a camera like this. Since the camera is also attached to the slider, it is possible to change the position smoothly.
Move the stick around the camera ... ...
To the image where colorful dice roll. The shooting time of one animation is 4 to 12 hours.
In addition, I set a crystal and a stone.
If you stroked around the quartz around with a stick, it is a fantastic image like Saturn.
The ring is further divided into multiple stages ......
It gathers in the center.
Various expressions are possible.
More and more ideas will be tried.
Next time I created a mini grass in the equipment.
It is as if the sprout shining from the turf grew steadily elongated.
Brilliant light blows in the air.
Inside the device is like this. 24V · 4A power supply, Arduino Mega, 3D card reader for recording commands, DM 320T stepper driver, RGB LED driver are installed.
Dragonframe software is used for video editing. Control of the camera and light stick was done with DMC - 16 .
Josh Sheldon, a college student who has developed various devices such as LED tires , has created a movie. Sheldon says that it will be impossible to continue light painting by moving, but the code is released on GitHub , and those who are interested can inherit Sheldon's knowledge of Light Pending It has become like.
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