All of Nintendo's officially held Nintendo Labo work contest excellence award-winning works are excellent

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The 'Best Decorated Toy-Con' award was given to the person who made the best decoration to Toy-Con. For example, the award-winning piano Toy-Con in the following movie is decorated with a design based on 'The Legend of Zelda'.
Labo Contest --YouTube
The music stand has the 'The Legend of Zelda' logo on it.

A wood grain sheet is attached to the white key part of the keyboard.

Also, the master sword is stuck in the pedestal of the top plate ...

When I pulled out the master sword, the silhouette of the link that swung up the sword in front of the triforce was displayed on the screen of Nintendo Switch.

The 'Best Toy-Con Mod Using Toy-Con Garage' award discovers new ways to play with the Toy-Con included in the Nintendo Labo variety kit and the Toy-Con garage where you can freely program your movements. This is an award given to a person. For example, the following movie is a work that invented an analog display clock using a piano Toy-Con. Originally, it is also possible to set an alarm using a screw that can change the tone by sticking it in the piano Toy-Con.
Nintendo Labo Analog Clock with Alarm-YouTube
The Toy-Con garage setting screen looks like this. You can see how the straight lines connecting the movements are intricately intertwined.
The 'Best Original Invention Using Toy-Con Garage' award is not the Toy-Con included in the Nintendo Labo variety kit, but the Toy-Con garage where you cut and paste the cardboard from 1 and make your own original Toy-Con. This award is given to those who invented excellent play using. For example, the following movie is a game of pouring tea, made by myself with a cardboard-shaped pot.
When you open the lid of the pot with Joy-Con embedded, tea will accumulate in the pot.

Tighten the lid and tilt to pour the tea into the cup.

There are four types of pots in all, and it seems that the game is to pour tea one after another to the customers lined up.

Also, the following movie work, which was also awarded the 'Best Original Invention Using Toy-Con Garage' award, is a reproduction of the accordion in the Toy-Con garage.
Select the pitch with your right hand ...

Touch the chord from 3 types with your left hand to select it, and move the accordion to make a sound.

It has a structure that detects which hole is being pressed with a finger with Joy-Con (right) stuck in the cardboard.

Joy-Con (left) is attached to the back of the part where the Switch screen is attached. It is a mechanism to detect tilt and movement.

This accordion Toy-Con garage looks like this. It has a fairly complicated structure to reproduce the triads, but it is never messed up and is neatly organized.

In addition, the person who won the excellence award in the contest will be presented with 'Nintendo Labo color Nintendo Switch' and 'Nintendo Labo creator jacket', and the work will be signed by the developer of Nintendo Labo.

Also, from July 19, 2018, a new contest for Nintendo Labo will start.
My Nintendo --Nintendo Labo Creators Contest – Nintendo Labo Official Site!/contest/

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