A movie that creates a 3-axis Styrofoam cutter with Lego, amazing quality that can also be used for three-dimensional modeling


Akiyuki , who has created works such as `` a rotary engine that really rotates '' and ` `a clock made only with Lego '' using Lego, has released a production movie of ``a Lego machine that can freely cut Styrofoam''.

LEGO 3-axis Styrofoam Cutter - YouTube

'Styrofoam cutter' is an item that can cut polystyrene foam smoothly using heat. This time, it seems that they will use a ready-made Styrofoam cutter to create a 3-axis Styrofoam cutter that can be automatically controlled in the X-axis, Y-axis, and A-axis (rotation axis) directions.

Set the Styrofoam cutter on the base made of Lego.

Assemble the base and rail.

Set more rails on top of the rails. This will be the Y axis.

Set one more rail. This is the X axis.

Insert the Styrofoam in the red frame to secure it. The red frame part can be rotated 360 degrees and also serves as the A axis.

Install servo motors and programmable control device '

EV3 ' to move each axis.

The 3-axis styrofoam cutter is now complete.

Here's how to use it. First, set up the Styrofoam you want to cut.

After that, each axis will automatically move according to the program and cut the Styrofoam.

I was able to cut Styrofoam into the shape of '2023'.

Cut styrofoam.

By moving the A-axis, you can create three-dimensional objects. First, set the thick Styrofoam.

First, cut the Styrofoam by moving the X and Y axes.

Repeat the cut while moving the A axis in 45 degree increments.

The chess pieces are completed. The A-axis is rotated by 45 degrees, resulting in an octagonal shape. If you rotate it more finely, it will probably become a smoother shape.

Next, cut while rotating the A axis.

Complete. At first glance, it looks like a rectangular parallelepiped.

When twisted, it separated into two parts.

It looks like this when divided into two parts. It has a smooth screw shape. The 3-axis Styrofoam cutter made by Mr. Akiyuki can freely move the X, Y, and A axes, so you can create various three-dimensional structures depending on your ideas.

in Video, Posted by log1o_hf