An animated movie "Hoverboard Factory" that "hovers of" back to the future "is made like this at the factory

A flying ride appearing in the movie "Back to the Future"Hover board"A fan movie that drawn a state of being made at a future toy factory is"Hoverboard Factory"is. Noises as if playing tape with the VHS VCR are sometimes occasionally produced, and the direction of the 80's style is being carried out although it is factory of the future.

Hoverboard Factory on Vimeo

Start from cutting the material board into the size of the hover board.

Follow the belt conveyor and proceed toward the mold.

It is cut out into a hover board type which passes through the mold and the front is rounded.

Subsequently, the step of painting both sides of the board.

The pink plate will be colored more colorfully.

Bend the back of the hover board and angle it.

Follow the metal rail and go to the next process.

Rounded arms ahead extend from the left and right ......

Two round parts like magnets are mounted on the back of the hover board.

A stock of parts is loaded next to the machine.

In the next step, firmly attach the parts to the hover board.

Where the finished hover board goes ......

Operation test process of hover board. Place the manikin's feet and see if the hover board works properly.

Hover the hover board over the test road and move the mannequin to check the operation of the hover board.

On the surface of the hover board, the logo of the toy maker · MATTEL corporation is contained.

The hover board that passed the test successfully was put in a package ......

Box packing.

It will be shipped with accelerated acceleration.

The whole picture of the factory looks like the following. Several lines seem to be moving for making hover boards.

In addition, "Hoverboard Factory" is a fun released together with October 21, 2015 which is the day when Marty McFly and Dr. Emmet Brown (Doc) went to the future in "Back to the Future Part 2" It is a thing which version was upgraded with a further modification to the movie. The original movie can be seen from the following.

Back to the Future - Hoverboard Factory on Vimeo

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log