Pistol "Jenga pistol" revolutionizing the simple building game "Jenga"
Analogous Transcendence Although it is a simple rule, the building game "Jenga" which is strangely excited is a perfect game when families / acquaintances gather in the New Year. A wooden pistol that can enjoy exhilaration that makes it possible to clear off the block by thrashing away from the thrill that slowly and carefully pulls out the block carefully so as not to destroy the building's tower "Jenga pistol (Jenga pistol)"Was born.
Jenga pistol
You can understand how to use the Genga pistol in one shot by watching the following movie.
Jenga pistol - YouTube
It was Matthias Wandell who developed the gengis pistol

Along with the sound of snatching, Jenga's block was blown off by Genga pistol. Blocks were blown out vigorously, but "token of Jenga" has not collapsed.

Now aim at different angles ... ...

Successful success.

Next time I challenge a block to support the top of the block.

Successful success. Lumps in the upper block dropped together, but the block tower did not collapse.

Another success.

Looking from the side in slow motion it is like this.

The moment when the block is blown off, you can see well that the upper block is floating in the air.

Fall as it is. As if nothing had happened, the height of the block tower was a little lower.

As you pull out the blocks more and more ... ...

Failure. Even though it is a truly Jenga pistol, sometimes it fails if you shoot a number.

The block in the middle in difficult "bare hands" ......

It can be cleared without difficulty if Gengapisutoru.

"The block will fly if you do not leave there" -

Another way of enjoying Jenga pistol is "fast firing"

The barrel (barrel) is pulled by a familiar motion, the hammer (hammer) is pulled down.

I will punch the pistol early and punch through the blocks one after another.

"Horizontal shooting"

well done.

The wooden genga pistol is handmade.

From the muzzle part, the bar-like part of the wooden part attached inside protrudes and flicks off the block.

The lever part looks something like this. In a rubber band, we strike a wooden part toward the muzzle.

Wandel published a homemade Jenga pistol on YouTube, many people asked, "How much will you sell?" "Where can I buy?"

So I tried to produce 25 Jenga pistolsWhen I sold it for 28 dollars (about 3300 yen), it sold out in no time.

Even then, the voice saying "I want to sell!" Did not stop. However, handmade and mass production is impossible, Wander decided to sell the design drawing of Genga pistol for $ 6 (about 700 yen).
Jenga pistol plans

We also distribute detailed creation guides.

Jenga pistol, which seems to make Gengha, a simple rule game even more incredibly fighting, seems to be a tool that I'd like to try once, as long as I'm a genius that loves Ginga.
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