A fierce person who creates a launcher by cardboard to launch a revolver-like 'core of toilet paper' appeared

Maha (@ryuji_ maker) of Twitter user created cardboard and disposable chopsticks, and rubber bands with rotating magazine and " Revolver (rotating pistol-like toilet paper core launcher)". When Maha actually uploaded a movie toilet paper launched to Twitter, it has become such a topic that it gets over 30,000 retweets at the time of article creation and more than 80,000 "Like".
The way the core launcher of the toilet paper actually shoots the core can be seen from the following tweets.
Revolver launcher Can fire the core of toilet paper made! pic.twitter.com/4sdy4feOeG
- Maha (@ryuji_ maker) July 30, 2018
When the person holding the launcher pulls the trigger with the index finger of the right hand ... ...

Pon, the core of the toilet paper jumps out from the tip of the launcher according to the eccentric sound. I could also see the rubber band on the right side of the main body shrinking at once.

When finishing firing the core, move the left hand holding the barrel to the slide connected to the rubber band ... ...

Pull backward. At that time, as the powered rubber band is pulled again, the rotary magazine rotates and the core of the toilet paper is reloaded like a revolver.

Pull the trigger and you can fire again.

The appearance that the core of toilet paper is launched consecutively with Pon and Pong is exhilarating just by watching.

If you check the scene where the whole face of the launcher faces this moment only, the core of the toilet paper that can be loaded is six patterns. Every time you slide the slide, the magazine will rotate by one sixth, allowing the next core to be launched.

Mr. Maha has made further improvements and has also created fore grips etc., and it is more like launcher, although it is a core launcher of toilet paper with voices from overseas Twitter users. I feel the atmosphere like Dannel MGL somehow. The launcher itself is made of corrugated cardboard and disposable chopsticks, and the point that only the power rubber band is used is another thing.
It is decorated per foregrip, but it is about cardboard made and decorated, and not using other resins and wood other than Uri pic.twitter.com/IbNC19VPDu
- Maha (@ryuji_ maker) July 30, 2018
Because the deterioration of the rubber band of the core launcher of the toilet paper is intense, Maha explains that the ingenuity for exchanging the rubber band has also been improved.
I'm on the overscale, but I think that Picatinny rail will be thought of once by ripple board Anyone would like to think once I like the deterioration of the rubber band is pretty early and I like the change that it was hard to replace it And here pic.twitter.com/4lhtQnHWff
- Maha (@ryuji_ maker) July 30, 2018
Mr. Maha thought, "I will make a revolver-like toilet paper core launcher," it was the opportunity that Maha's brother discovered that he saw the following movie and was working. Maha said, "When you saw your brother making this," It was a light gulp "Let's make it a grenade launcher, revolver."
Three successive shots! We make toilet paper core gun 【cardboard construction】 【how to make】 handmade toy】 【rubber gun】
Maha seems that it took about two weeks, including a trip, to make this launcher, "I did not satisfy the slightly catching point and improved over time" I rememped.
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