I opened a new frontier of beef jerky and tried to make beef tongue, ribs and loin beef jerky with 'homemade jerky maker'

I asked about the existence of Sanko's ' homemade jerky maker ' that you can make beef jerky at home and used the homemade jerky maker with a light feeling, 'Surely beef jerky on the market is expensive! Yes! Let's make it!' When I looked it up, I opened up a new frontier for jerky, saying, 'It's about 20 times more delicious than I imagined,' 'the taste is condensed...' 'I want to keep making jerky as long as I have time, I want to chew all the time'. It was decided. So, I summarized the whole story of making beef jerky using materials that are not often seen as jerky, such as rib meat ribs, loin and tongue.
Sanko | [★Reserved items★'Homemade jerky maker' where you can make dried fruits] Sales page
Homemade jerky maker arrives from Sanko.

Only the instruction manual and the homemade jerky maker itself were in the box.

In addition to the function and usage of each part in the instruction manual……

The guideline for the drying time of the ingredients was also written. In addition to meat, it is possible to make dried fruits. In the case of meat, it is necessary to heat at 'temperature setting 70 degrees, 8 hours or more', and for fruit type, 'temperature setting 40-48 degrees' for 7 to 10 hours or more to hold.

The size of the main body is 245 width x depth 240 x height 227 mm, and the weight is 1600 g.
It looks like this when viewed from directly above. The width is slightly longer than the depth.

There is a power switch, operation lamp, and temperature adjustment knob on the front of the main unit. The temperature is Low at 35 degrees and maximum at 70 degrees. However, since this is the temperature of the heater, the maximum temperature inside the refrigerator is 60 degrees (±5 degrees).

Tray is stacked on the heater, and the top is a lid. Remove the lid...

The tray can be separated into all 5 stages.

This is how it stacks up.

There are protrusions at the four corners of the tray, but the positions of the protrusions differ at the top and bottom, so you can adjust the height by overlapping or shifting the positions of the protrusions.

If you push the protrusions up and down, it looks like this……

If you adjust the positions, the height will be one step higher than when they were moved. When placing a thick object on the tray, the protrusions should be aligned.

So, let's make a jerky at once. First, I bought bird chicken and beef thigh meat. Season this with salt.

Beef jerky, so first remove the fat...

Cut to an appropriate size.

Besides salt and pepper……

This time, I tried seasoning with

When drying the meat, it is said that the inside of the refrigerator should be warmed beforehand, so turn on the power of the homemade jerky maker first and warm it at a temperature of 70 degrees.

Shred chicken fillet and season with salt and pepper or shichimi.

Place the meat on the tray when it's warm...

Leave as it is for 8 hours. There is no timer function, so the switch will not be turned off without permission. After a while, check the completion of the jerky and turn it off yourself.

When I checked it after 8 hours, it was dried up in Karakkara.

After completing the jerky, it is recommended to heat it in an oven at 75 degrees for 1 minute or more to sterilize it, so I will try it. However, the oven in the editorial department had a minimum temperature setting of 100 degrees, so I tried heating at 100 degrees for 10 minutes.

This time we used thin slices of domestic beef. It took 8 to 10 hours to dry the meat, but maybe it was thin slices, so in 8 hours the crunchy jerky was completed. The texture is really 'jerky' that is firm and satisfying to eat, but unlike the commercially available products, you can feel the taste of beef firmly.

In addition, some of the editorial staff opened the eyes saying, 'Jerky is so delicious...?' However, in the pros and cons of fats, the editorial staff member, 'I like the fat-free ticking jerky,' commented that 'Japanese domestic beef is 'a little different''.

When the fat-free chicken fillet was heated in the oven, it was hard to tear it by hand. As a whole, baking it in the oven makes the surface a little harder, but it is perfect for people who want a chewy texture.

Since the taste of the chicken is light, the flavor of salt + salmon, salt + aroma Nanami, and crazy salt + basil are all emphasized more than beef. The taste of the chicken bleeds so much that it grows like a turtle, and it makes you want to scream if you're an adult.

Beef jerky was especially popular, so I bought a little thick beef rib, beef loin, tongue, etc.

Tongue is salt! So season with salt and pepper.

Add other meats to the sauce of grilled meat or homemade soy sauce sauce……

I let it soak in the refrigerator for a while.

I thought that I wanted a timer, so I tried using the

After warming the interior for about 1 hour, gently wipe off the sauce on the meat.

Meat is lined up in a homemade jerky maker that warms the inside of the kitchen.

Set on an 8-hour timer.

You can see how the jerky maker is operating from the following movie. There is almost no exhaust noise and there is almost no noise, so it seems that you can make jerky all night.
The meat discolored like this after 1 hour. The first one, which was seasoned with salt, had no odor, but when it had sauce, it smelled a little better in the room.

After 8 hours, open the lid...

Salt tongue has a completely different appearance from the beginning. A little oil is floating on the surface.

In addition, it is better to keep the meat to a thickness of about 5 mm to prevent it from becoming dry. The salt tongue was 5 mm or less, so it was dry to pieces.

When I tried to eat it, it had a jerky texture, but it was juicy and juicy, and it had a unique texture of tongue. “The taste is more concentrated than roasted meat...” “I want to keep eating it all the time...” '...' is spilled. Fatty meat is a very jerky and fragile thing, so it's not often seen on the market, but homemade jerky that you can eat immediately after making it will be OK even if some fat is on it. Therefore, it is a delicious taste that is hard to write with a homemade jerky.

However, the slightly thicker rib meat had a slightly pink cross-section. According to a person from Sanko, it seems to be okay if the meat has a pink color, but if it was raw, it was not dry enough.

Dry for an additional 2 hours.

Further heat in an oven at 100 degrees for 10 minutes.

Then, it becomes a crispy jerky with no worries. The rib meat is juicy because it is a little bit fat, but it contradicts the purpose of jerky as a preserved food because the fat gets hard and loses its taste over time, but it is recommended to eat freshly made.

Among the ribs, tongue and loin, the fat-loined loin is the most “jerky” and has a satisfying taste. Since the meat has a strong taste, it seemed good to add plenty of shichimi etc.

The jerky that I put on the sauce of roasted meat is a new frontier that 'the texture of the first bite is jerky, but the more you eat it, the more you eat it...'. When I tried multiple seasonings, I could feel the infinite possibilities of beef jerky, and the taste was inevitable that 'Jerky maker can be more creative!'

The homemade jerky maker can be used for anything other than meat, and you can add dried fruits to make dried fruits.

Put thinly sliced fruits on a tray and heat with a lid for 10 hours or more for bananas, 8 hours or more for oranges, and 7 hours or more for kiwi.

Since the degree of drying varies depending on the number of trays and the thickness of the fruit, it is necessary to adjust the heating time while watching the situation, but as with meat, the fruit was in a state where sweetness and acidity were tightly condensed. I tried using a 24-hour timer, but I felt that it was better to check the condition after a certain period of time and reheat it instead of leaving it on the timer until I got used to it.

Some commercially available beef jerky is sold for about 1000 yen at 100 g, but if you make it yourself, the material cost will be significantly lower, and according to the Sanko website, ``When using for 8 hours, power consumption 250 W × 8 = Total electricity amount 2kWh' 'If 1kWh unit price is 27 yen, the electricity charge will be about 54 yen', so it can be finished cheaper than the commercial jerky. The homemade jerky maker can be purchased from Sanko's official website for 3980 yen including tax .
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