How should we deal with 'vandalism' on the Internet?

Although the Internet is a space where free activities and remarks are possible, on the other hand, there is " vandalism " that continues acts like harassment against specific people and communities. The aggressive behavior of vandalism also reaches the reality, and the person who was doing vandalism on the Internet also develops into a social problem such as a case of stabbing a famous blogger who criticized vandalism acts occurred. Shlomi fish , a software developer, introduced a cognitive therapy approach to cope with such vandalism on the blog.
Dealing with Internet Trolls - the Cognitive Therapy Approach - Unarmed but still Dangerous
As effective countermeasures against vandalism, it is necessary to "criticize the vandalism", "to ignore vandalism" "to ban vandalism from the community" "to persuade the vandalisation" "to convince the devastated communities and projects Although it can be cited as "closing / stopping", Shlomi Fish pointed out that these methods are incorrect from the cognitive therapy approach and have no effect.

And Shlomi Fish mentioned the following three points on how to cope with vandalism.
1: Visit what you think of vandalism <br> It is necessary to ask why the vandalism continues against vandalism, what is wrong with them, and grasp the idea of vandalism firmly.
2: I agree with the thought of vandalism <br> and I will affirm without denying the idea of vandalism. At this time, you need to make a more milder speech without becoming aggressive. In addition, there is a purpose to agree on the partner's thought, to calm the anger of vandalism and to create a place to talk evenly.
3: Discuss finally to have vandalism and common awareness <br> If you can have opportunities to talk with each other equally, take voicing and communication and look for points where opinions agree. Repeating gentle communication several times, the vandalism attitude will regain calm and become friendly.
Mr. Shlomifish admits the opinion that it is better to exclude people like vandalism from community someday because they will do vandalism someday, and also has some sort of value for those who work on the Internet and to grow the community He insists that it is necessary not only to eliminate vandalism but also to accept it.

In addition, Shlomi Fish, in order to take vain and appropriate communication
1: Relax first
2: Avoid difficult phrases and try to understand easily
3: Do not criticize his remarks
4: Avoid non-logical and emotional correspondence
5: Maintain polite and friendly correspondence
6: To tell what you want to say properly, do not overdocument
7: It makes it difficult to read even if you write a lot, so do not use too much words
8: When using mail, try to speak yourself after quoting the other's words
9: When quoting, do not skip, keep a sufficient amount of text
10: Do not pretend like you understood what the other person says, do not overdo any conclusions
11: Do not use proverbs, proverbs, or verses, express your opinion in your own words
12: Respect the opponent, do not be too joking
13: Do not use violent words or assertive tone, use a soft and roundabout way of saying "I think"
14: Do not affix an easy label
15: Always appreciate vandalism while calling intimately "Hi"
We call on 15 points to keep in mind.
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in Note, Posted by log1i_yk