Five Ways to Not Dominate Anger


Armin Lotfi

Even if you don't yell at the face directly, there are many people who have posted misleading news or posted comments that made you angry at SNS. From the philosophy of the philosopher Zenon who has also been the source of modern ' cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)', writer Donald Robertson summarizes how to control anger in a stressful modern society.

5 Ways to Manage Anger Using Stoicism

Zenon is a philosopher who played an active part around 3rd century BC, and is the founder of the storeist philosophy that also became the word source of the word 'stoic'.

Zenon Bust (Pushkin Museum of Art)



Some of Zenon's teachings have the image of 'permanently enduring,' but the basic idea is to 'look at yourself rationally.' There are five things to keep in mind in order to understand your emotions and behaviors correctly and to anger and to ease negative emotions in accordance with Zenon's teachings.

◆ 1: I am not a perfect person
Zenon argued that it was important to recognize that 'I am not all-purpose.' The moment you turn anger at someone, you should soften your wonders and anger if you put in a habit of remembering that you might make the same mistake.



◆ 2: It is not the action of a person who is angry, but his view on it
Everybody is annoyed by someone's actions or sayings, but it is not true that everyone will be angry at the words and actions. Keeping in mind that 'it is up to you to decide whether you are angry or not depends on your values,' you may not get angry even when someone's actions are not as you expect.

◆ 3: Anger is more harmful than its cause
In the Store group, 'The influence of the behavior of others is very superficial, and only hurts our possessions, our knowledge, our bodies, but we have anger' which hurts our character and causes more serious harm. It is preached that The feelings of anger not only harm our mind and damage our ability, but also reduce our reputation. If you know how much anger loses, you will be discouraged before you yell.

◆ 4: No one wants to make a mistake
Socrates, who had a great influence on Zenon's thought, stated that 'nobody deliberately does nothing wrong.' Even Hitler and Stalin should have believed that they were correct. If you are annoyed by someone else's failure, you can weaken your anger if you know that it is not deliberate.


marshal anthonee

◆ 5: Instead of standing on the ground of an angry partner, answer with compassion
Marcus Aurelius, who was one of the last Roman philosophers and a store philosopher, is famous for his generous personality, and the following episodes remain. At one time, Aurelius attacked Aurelius at the time when Aurelius was overseeing a trial involving the notorious lawyer Herod Atix as a momentary water heater. Soon after the commander of the Guards attempted to defend Aurelius, Aurelius instructed him to put the sword, and he stood up from the chair and said, 'Friend, I am not afraid at all.'

Although it will take considerable effort to show a saintly response even if it is attacked, if you can see the angry person from the position you withdrew one step, the fight against 'buzzwords' It may not be.

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in Note, Posted by log1l_ks