I tried all six kinds including misty and house food collaboration curry donut "Pont de Keema curry"

Mr. Donuts collaborated with Gion Tsuzuri as the first from "misdo meets" which develops a joint development menu with companies "Matcha Suites Premium"All six types, the second collaboration with the noodle shop" Solanoiro ""Veggie cool and noodleTwo kinds are offered. As a third bullet from Friday, June 16, 2017, we collaborated with that house food "Pon de Keema curry"Egg-de · Western-style curryThere are 6 kinds of curry donuts such as "Curry Donut". I definitely went to eat a combination that I definitely would not mind thinking about donuts using house curry.

Misdo meets House Foods Donut Curry | New Items | Mister Donuts

Arrived at Mr. Donuts

Collaboration products were already lined up on the shelf.

That's why "Pon de Keema Curry" (140 yen tax), "Pon de Green Curry" (140 yen tax), "Pan de Keema Curry" (172 yen including tax), "Pan · De · European curry "(172 yen including tax)," Cheese · Green Curry "(194 yen tax)," Tamago · De · Western Curry "(194 yen including tax) purchased six kinds of curry donuts.

First we will eat from "Pont de Keema curry" and "Pon de Green Calais" which sandwiches curry between Pon de Ring.

Pon de Keema curry looks something like this, at first glance it looks like a normal pon de ring ... ...

Kaema curry is painted inside.

When you eat, you can taste the authentic Kauma curry flavor with spicy taste from a clamsy peculiar to Pon de Ring. It is a high level finish that the taste of curry can not be said without saying "Truly House Food ... ...."

Likewise, Pon de Green Curry has curry in it.

The coconut fragrant green curry is also a full-fledged finish, but it can be eaten even by people who are not good at hot things. It was an unimaginable combination of ethnic curry and Pon de Ring, but the compatibility is outstanding. A person who likes green curry is a mistake-free combination.

This is "cheese de green curry" and "egg · de · Western curry"

As the name suggests, Egg-de-Western curry has a European curry and a scrambled egg on fried bread.

When trying to eat it, the European curry is a taste of the royal road familiar to the Japanese, and it is a favorite combination for everyone. Since there is hail in the part of bread, you can enjoy a crispy texture. Since the impression of the egg part is thinner than I thought it might have been better if I had plenty more.

Cheese · green · curry · · ·

Inside green curry and mayonnaise It is about as extensive as cheese is applied.

When eating, unlike Pon de Green Curry, the creamy taste of cheese is strong, the pain is mild. The combination of curry and cheese is not bad, but since the flavor of the green curry is small, I think that people who like green curry are unsatisfactory.

At the end is "Pan de Keema Curry" "Pan · De · Western Curry"

Marunouchi fried bread is used.

The contents of pan · de · keema curry are like this, it is a curry bread that looks a lot, but authentic flavor of Keema curry is still alive. It's a little elaborate curry bread.

Last bread · de · Western curry

Dough is crispy, curry like curry such as keema curry and green curry has preference, but European curry is a relaxing taste for Japanese people, it should be preferred from children to adults. In addition, this time I tried to eat while being delivered, but when eating inside the store it is also possible to get warmed up.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by darkhorse_log