Red Bull Air Race Brilliant air racing machine coloring Chiba 2017 and glossy lace queen Summary

The ultimate three-dimensional motor sports "Red Bull Air Race" came to Japan this year as well. The final race will be held on June 4, 2017 (Sunday) will be Makuharihama Park in Chiba Prefecture for the third consecutive year. Prior to the race on the 4th, before the 3rd hanger (hangar), the air race quarters and the air race queen joining the flowers with the colorful air racing machine and the race gathered.

Red Bull Air Race

The state of qualifying is from the following article.

Red Bull Air Race Chiba 2017 opens, the all-player racing machine including Yoshihide Muroya aiming for winning for the second consecutive year and the appearance of the qualifying is like this - GIGAZINE

The blessed hanger was gorgeous with air racing machine & image girl.

◆ 84:Pete McLeod (Pete McLeod)
Mr. Muroya "EDGE 540 V 3" of the "2009 group" macro lead player

◆ 21:Matthias Dolderer (Matthias Doddler)
"EDGE 540 V 3" of the 2016 general champion Duldala

◆ 8:Martin Sonka (Martin Sonka)
Sonka's "EDGE 540 V 3"

◆ 31:Yoshihide Muroya
Unfortunately we did not see Mr. Muroya's booth "EDGE 540 V 3".

◆ 95:Matt Hall (Matt Hall)
"Hall player" EDGE 540 V 3 ". I switched from "MXS-R".

◆ 10: Kirby Chambliss (Kirby · Chambliss)
"EDGE 540 V 3" of Chanbris who has two degrees of general champion experience

◆ 99:Michael Goulian (Michael Goulian)
Goulian "EDGE 540 V 2"

◆ 37:Peter Podlunšek (Peter Podlansek)
Podlansek's "EDGE 540 V 2"

◆ 26:Juan Velarde (Juan Berarde)
Berarde's "EDGE 540 V 2"

◆ 27:Nicolas Ivanoff (Nicholas Ivanov)
Ivanov's "EDGE 540 V 2"

◆ 18:Petr Kopfstein (Petr Kopstein)
Coppstein's "EDGE 540 V 3"

◆ 11:Mikael Brageot (Michael Brajor)
Brazill is the only "MXS-R"

◆ 5:Christian Bolton (Christian Bolton)
Bolton's "EDGE 540 V 2"

◆ 12:François Le Vot (François · Rubot)
Ruby's "EDGE 540 V 2"

Red Bull Air Race Chiba 2017 will be held on Sunday, June 4, 2017 (Sunday).

· Continued
Red Bull Air Race Chiba 2017 Haste report on the race at the end of the race - GIGAZINE

in Coverage,   Vehicle, Posted by darkhorse_log