To the trump victory Movie summarizing in large-scale demo by shouting "We reject the presidential election!", "Not my president!"
Americans who refuse to "celebrate President Trump" or "Fuck Donald Trump" and start refusing to win President Trump will start a march in protests and enter an emergencyHowever, even if more than a whole day has passed, its momentum has not declined, is expanding rapidly,Thousands of people across the countryAnd it is increasing further.
To New York's ridiculous scale demo.
New York City protests against Donald Trump's presidency. They have not stopped
- Phil McCausland (@ Phil McCausland)November 10, 2016
In Auckland too many people protested, so the police tried to stop the crowd but could not stop at all.
Cops tried to block march on Webster at 13th street but police line melted away in the face of this enormous crowd.#NotMyPresident#
- Occupy Oakland (@ Occupy Oakland)November 10, 2016
In order to scatter people, the police finally shoot the tear gas bullet.
Cops release tear gas next to sound truck, surrounded by people. Unbelievably dangerous, someone could get run run over#NotMyPresident#
- Occupy Oakland (@ Occupy Oakland)November 10, 2016
Meanwhile, in front of New York 's so-called "trump tower", people who protested crowds gathered completely, and the whole area was completely immovable.
Protesters have the streets shut down for blocks in every direction around Trump Tower,
- Keegan Stephan (@ KeeganNYC)November 10, 2016
Before the trump tower, we are in a state of caution.There was a shoot near the protest demonstrationIt is up to the report saying.
This is happening in front of the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D. C. right
- Natalie DiBlasio (@ ndiblasio)November 10, 2016
People in New York marching by shouting "We reject the presidential election!" After that, 16 people were arrested.
"We reject! The president elect!" Anti-Trump protest is largest demo in NYC for years. I'm told 16 arrests so
- Keegan Stephan (@ KeeganNYC)November 10, 2016
Even Seattle has confirmed the update of the protest demonstration screaming "It is not my president!"
Views from last night in DT Seattle#PussyGrabsBack#
- Meagan Arthur (@ meaganearthur)November 10, 2016
Protest in Portland
Last night in Portland#notmypresident#getrowdy#portlandresistance#pussygrabsback#
- ChainMarie Lovethang (@rainbowkitteez)November 11, 2016
This is Minneapolis
#NotMyPresident#ResistTrump#TrumpProtest#DumpTrump#BlackLivesMatter#revolution@ MPRnews@
- Katharine Horowitz (@ katpajamas)November 11, 2016
Protest in Baltimore, Maryland
Protesters form a line# RavensStadium 5
- J. M. Giordano photo (@ jmgpix)November 11, 2016
Storm of protest at Louisville in western Kentucky
#NotMyPresidentProtest in Louisville, KY!
- nibiru (@ Refined Hippy)November 11, 2016
At Milwaukee, Wisconsin, marching while crying "Note Lamp! No KKK! No-Resist USA!"
No Trump, no KKK, no racist USA!
- OverpassLightBrigade (@ OLBLightBrigade)November 11, 2016
Conclusion Movie also appears
Thousands in America
- Mashable (@ mashable)November 10, 2016
Burning the American flag, crashing with police and arresting, still never stopping, the scale is steadily growing
Anti-Trump protesters continue rallying, burn flags in streets across the
- IN THE NOW (@IntheNow_tweet)November 10, 2016
It is wrapped in an atmosphere like how many nations in the United States are raging with tremendous momentum, even in the civil war broke out
#NotMyPresidentLast night across
- Mike Sington (@ Mike Sington)November 10, 2016
Even in the morning protests did not stopIt was reported as news. This is about 6 am.
Anti-Trump protest moving through Downtown Austin
- ABC 10 (@ ABC 10)November 9, 2016
High school students who did not have voting rights are also starting to participate. This is San Francisco.
Students chant: "Not my future,#notmypresident"1000s of kids continue marching on Jefferson in#SCIENCE x 3 kaStg 5
- Sarah Ravani (@ SarRavani)November 10, 2016
Protest also broke out at Santa Clara's high school, "I am not my president!"
Santa Clara high school walk
- LauriYssabelle (@ LauriYssabelle)November 10, 2016
"I will never forget 9/11, and 11/9 is a day of regret"
9/11 Never Forget
- # Im StillWithHer (@ WeThankYouHRC)November 10, 2016
11/9 Always
According to Google trends in the United States, "How did the playing cards win?" "Why is this?" "How did Clinton lose?"
Top searched "how did ...?" Questions on Google uRkAvDHOYg
- GoogleTrends (@ Google Tolls)November 9, 2016
Also, from other than the United States "How old is Donald Trump?" "Who is Donald Trump?" "Who is the President of the USA?" "How did Donald Trump won?" "Is Donald Trump a President? Google trend reports when the search phrase "??" Is the top 5, the degree of confusion is becoming extremely high.
"How did Donald Trump win?" Top question on Google outside the US today# USElection
- GoogleTrends (@ Google Tolls)November 9, 2016
President Cardinal himself said to the demonstrators, "It was a very open and successful presidential election, the protests that are occurring now are instigated by professionals including the media, they are extremely unfair!" I will.
Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!
- Donald J. Trump (@ real DonaldTrump)November 11, 2016
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