Americans who refuse to "celebrate President Trump" or "Fuck Donald Trump" and start refusing to win President Trump will start a march in protests and enter an emergency
It is surprising that immediately after the news of President Trump 's election flowed, people who did not acknowledge President Cardinal gathered in many places in the United States gathered in large numbers and marching while simultaneously raising voices of protest at the same time .
From the moment of winning trump camp first.
Trump comes
- James O'Keefe (@ JamesOKeefe III)November 9, 2016
"I love this country, thank you, thank you so much," Mr. Trump.
Trump closes speech: "I love this country. Thank you. Thank you very much."
- NBC News (@ NBCNews)November 9, 2016
Message to the Empire State Building "Trump election congratulations" message.
Donald Trump will win the White House, CNN projects on the@ EmpireStateBldg
- CNN (@ CNN)November 9, 2016
Also, famous remarks that are supposed to be Gandhi 's "Introduction They will ignore, then laugh and challenge. And then we winThere was also a post which compares to.
- Deplorable Josh (@ JoshNoneYaBiz)November 9, 2016
The media list that declared "Do not support Mr. Trump" is summarized as follows.
Trump took them all on and won. Now it's time to lock her up & amp;#DrainTheSwamp# Election
- Hillary for Prison (@ HRC 4 Prison)November 9, 2016
And it did not accept the reality of trump election, "Trump is not my president, cards are not my president, cards are not my president, trumps are racist, racist, sexist, madness" tweet I'm retweeted.
Trump is not my president.
- Baby Lauren (@ _ Mami Fenty)November 9, 2016
Trump is not my president.
Trump is not my president.
Trump is a rapist.
Trump is racist.
Trump is sexists.
Besides, "The cards did not win today, Hate won, fear won, Raceism won, sexistism won victory prejudice won prejudice victory, homosexual hatred won" Tweets In a state that it will be retweeted like so.
Trump did not win today.
- kristiane (@ Kristiane Hebnes)November 9, 2016
Hate won.
Fear won.
Racism won.
Sexism won.
Prejudice won.
Homophobia won.#HesNotMyPresident#StillWithHer
"A state that did not support Mr. Trump" is as follows, "This is the only land of freedom and independence, this is true America".
As far as I'm concerned this is the only land with freedom and liberty this is the true
- royalty free (@ punkmisfitxoxx)November 9, 2016
In addition to tweeting, protest demo too.
- cdqt (@ Trinh Catherine)November 9, 2016
In Portland there was a protest against Mr. Trump. I'm shouting with a megaphone.
Anti#TrumpProtest has broken out in downtown Portland.#ElectionNight# Election 45iDLl
- Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins)November 9, 2016
I started burning the flag for protest.
Flag burning in protest of a Trump presidency.# Election
- Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins)November 9, 2016
March out on the street crying out loudly "Fuck! Donald Trump!"
"Fuck Donald Trump!"#ElectionNight# Election
- Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins)November 9, 2016
People who increase more and more
"Fuck Donald Trump" seems to be the agreed on cadence.#ElectionNight# Election
- Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins)November 9, 2016
A state of protest at the University of California Davis.
UC Davis Protest Trump being elected. (Courtesy of AJ Seymour)
- F (dt) lexa - lex (@ AlexaMcCoy 25)November 9, 2016
Protest at university campus.
Happening at UCLA right now: anti trump
- jesse (@ basedjessu)November 9, 2016
Then I started marching out of college.
UCI after Trump was
- Karla Castillo (@ screamitskarla)November 9, 2016
Students proceeding out into town.
UCSD does not stand with JTEtrgFLx
- nadia (@ nadiazah__)November 9, 2016
The scream of "Fuck Donald Trump!" Continues even at the University of California Los Angeles.
#Hesnotmypresident@ 9
- tori (@ CandleSniffer)November 9, 2016
Even here it burns the flag.
How ucla feels about the
- Ira (@iralovestolaugh)November 9, 2016
University of California, San Diego
- Michelle (@ michilovesu 97)November 9, 2016
Also at the University of California at Santa Cruz, college students protested similarly.
Trump protest at
- djpj (@ kianikilla)November 9, 2016
A protest march also at the University of California at Irvine.
UC Irvine protest after Donald Trump is announced as the next
- Qumber Ali (@ qummingsoon)November 9, 2016
University of California, Santa Barbara.
Donald Trump Protest @
- y. (@ _ Yadss)November 9, 2016
Storm of protest at San Francisco State University.
- pa lo ma (@stoooopit)November 9, 2016
Cry of "Fuck Donald Trump!"
#HesNotMyPresident# RIPAmerica#
- Taylor (@ EnthrallingMinx)November 9, 2016
March of "Fuck Donald Trump!"
- Robert Lugo (@ R_Lugo)November 9, 2016
Abnormal excitement
SFSU out here#
- BigPapi (@ BigPapi_B)November 9, 2016
"Protest that he is not my president!"
- celeste (@celestecampos__)November 9, 2016
Although the police are acting, too many people are too many to stop.
Not even in office yet and UC Davis already thinks that@ RealDonaldTrumpHas got to
- Kat Gurzhi (@ meowerina)November 9, 2016
A growing number of people
UCSB in the streets#
- janelle (@ AlohaNelly)November 9, 2016
It is a tremendous number of people and scale.
My little brother goes to UCLA & amp; he just sent this video of the protesting in the streets.# GQ7gQ1BZg
- KM (@__kriissymarie)November 9, 2016
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