One of the supporters of the group that unveiled the realities of Google's revealed turn out to be Oracle with lawsuit with Google


In June 2016Google accepts government officials' "descent" and sends employees to the government to increase political influenceI posted the article called. this is"Google Transparency Project (Google Transparency Project)Although it was due to the work of the project, it turned out that Oracle is a database management system that supports this project.

Oracle is Funding a New Anti - Google Group

The Google Transparency Project is a group that began to see its movement since around April 2016, in order to make the link between Google and politics "transparent". It seemed that prominent companies and organizations were in the back because they got such information, and it was thought that they are doing information gathering and helping money, but the group did not divulge anything about its behind-the-scenes relationship , Acted as a mysterious group.

Fortune'sJeff John RobertsMr. reached up to the place where Oracle seems to be at the end of the investigation, but as I moved to do this, I received an e-mail from Mr. Ken Glück, senior vice president of Oracle, the parties That's right.

The content of the email admitted that Oracle was one of the project investors.

Google and Oracle from 2010Litigation over Java API usage on AndroidFollowed by May 2016The jury dismisses 1 trillion yen claim by Oracle and Google winsDespite that, Oracle immediately revealed the intention to appeal.

Roberts seems that there was no surprise that Oracle is supporting the project from this "hard trial" and the "history of sneaky PR tactics" that I have been doing so far. However, there should be other supporters, but at the moment I only know that it does not contain proven Microsoft that did anti-Google exercise in the past.

in Note, Posted by logc_nt