A special spicy sauce containing toasted tomatoes eats "Spicy burger" which is perfect for summer
Add tomato flesh to salsa sauce that confined 5 kinds of spice and vegetable taste plenty, and special spicy sauce finished in a refreshing and pungent taste is decisiveSpicy burger"Has appeared in Kua Aina from July 1, 2016 (Friday). I was wondering what the taste of the spicy sauce is plenty of sweetness and umami of tomato, so I actually went to eat.
[Summer Limited] Spicy Burger Appears! | Topics | KUA`AINA Kua Aina
Arrived at Kua Aina.
There are two kinds of Spicy Burger: "Mozzarella Spicy Burger" and "Avocado Spicy Burger".
As soon as I ordered, I was able to receive the menu in about 15 minutes to wait.
"Mozzarella Spicy Burger" is a hamburger with spicy tomato sauce and thick cut mozzarella cheese. There is poppy fruit on the surface of the buns.
The size is slightly lower than the iPhone 5s and has a volume.
Spicy tomato sauce contained tomato pulp thoroughly and was overflowing without filling in the burger.
Mozzarella cheese melts and melts on patty.
Since the hamburger is so huge, I will eat while crushing by hand. The sweet and sourness of tomato is added to the flavor of salsa, it is the spicyness that adds juicy meat to addict. Spicy sauce strongly insists on losing to Patty as we advance our eating, and the mouth gets drunk with spicyness.
Spicy barbecue sauce was also painted between Patti and Buns, but still the spicy sauce's overwhelmingness is overwhelming.
However, since plenty of vegetables such as lettuce, tomato and onion are plentifully sandwiched, eat all the ingredients at once in a brisk manner, you can eat while resetting the bittern in the mouth.
Then "Avocado Spicy Burger". Kua Aina managed thoroughly the availability of avocado, and he said he is using rich and mellow ripe avocados.
Avocado has three pieces.
A huge patty which was slightly landscape was used.
Avocado is thick and creamy so you can eat spicy sauce mildly. Excellent compatibility between juicy patty and avocado. However, if you grab a hamburger tightly and eat it, it is important to note that the avocado seems to pop out from the side.
The price of each of the two Spicy Burger is 1350 yen including tax, and the sales period is scheduled for early October.
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