Create a machine that will charge Tesla Model S automatically by DIY

Tesla Motors tackling the automatic driving function is trying to automate even the charging work and had announced a prototype charging machine that charges the mobile in a snake like manner. Model S users who completed their automatic charging machines by their own hands have appeared as if they oppose this Tesla official charging machine.

Tesla Model S owner builds homemade autonomous 'metal snake-like' charger [Video] | Electrek

The snake type automatic charging machine Tesla is developing can be confirmed in the following article.

Charging robot that charges automatic movement with snake like snake appears GIGAZINE

Were you unable to wait for the release of this Tesla official snake-like charging robot? Deepak Mital produced a self-made automatic charging machine and released a state of charging model S on YouTube.

Evtron demo 0.2 (1) - YouTube

Before the stopped model S, Mital's own automatic charger "Evtron"

As Evtron drew a circle, it began to slowly move toward Model S.

On approaching, the tail lamp of the model S lights up.

Even more closer Evtron

Stationary at the position of charging port.

The lid opened and the charge port appeared from inside.

Along with the mechanical sound called Vienna, the charging nozzle slowly moves toward the charging port.

It seems that it was inserted gloriously.

Charge start.

Great success!

You can check the operation after charging is completed with the following movie.

Evtron demo 0.2 (2) - YouTube

When charging is complete, Evtron ......

While pulling out the same mechanical sound as when inserted, slowly withdrew the nozzle.

When the nozzle comes out of the car body ......

Start moving downward.

From the camera ...


While Tesla did not have a follow-up report on auto charging Robo, Mital produced a charging robot "Evtron" with a similar automatic charging function, but Evtron's main computer has "Raspberry Pi 3It seems to be used.

in Hardware,   Vehicle,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log