I tried to eat "Nori cattle" of Masimashi with a sense of collaboration with "Nigari valve" of the classic menu "Okashi beefushi"

"Hotto more" of the take-back lunch chain, "Nori Bento" which continues to reign as a classic menu, "Cow meat" with plenty of beef collaborated "Glue cattleWe started offering from January 5, 2016. Garlic cattle said that the beef seasoned with white fly and garlic sauce is on top of the grated sticky rice used in ginger bento, actually purchased and tried to eat It was.

【1/5 ~】 Glue New Release | News | Hot more

This is "glue". The price is ¥ 390 higher than the "glue box lunch" of 350 yen including tax 390 yen including tax.

It is recommended to put on beef and a cup of red pepper and mayonnaise are provided separately.

When opening the lid, "Glue cattle" with pasture under the beef and white fish fries appeared.

You can see glue stuffed with garlic sauce under the beef, but there is no omen kelp attached to the glue lunch.

When eating only beef, the taste of the small sweet garlic soy sauce and beef is solid. Seasoning is pretty dark.

Because beef is strongly seasoned, the compatibility with rice is outstanding, and after the sweet taste, the flavor of "glue" drifts in the mouth.

I tried a recommended chili pepper Mayo.

By applying Maya chili pepper Mayonnaise 's richness is added to sweetness. However, it rarely felt the hotness of red peppers.

Like fruits of white fish, like regular sticky lunch boxes, thick and thick clothing is crispy.

Garlic cattle are covered with beef seasoned with sweet garlic soy sauce, although there is no chikuwa or odorous kelp in the pickle lunch. Beef and white fish fries can be purchased for less than 400 yen, there are plenty of advantages.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log