A fierce man who reproduced simulation game "XCOM" to defend the earth from aliens in Excel and made it possible to play
Turn-based strategy simulation game "XCOM" series deployed mainly in PC has gained not much popularity in Japan, while gaining popularity abroad abroad. It is a big fan of that XCOM and the programming language "Microsoft Office"Visual Basic for ApplicationsA user who is studying (VBA) "reproduced XCOM in Excel.
I made an XCOM game in Excel!: Xcom
EXLCOM Screenshots - Album on Imgur
Crruzi, a programmer studying VBA, got a game that reproduced XCOM on Microsoft ExcelEXLCOMDeveloped. When you look at the game screen of EXLCOM, you can see that a screen for instructing maps and commands is displayed in Excel.
This is the image of the moment you use the grenade in your turn. The red circle displayed blurry in the map shows the attack range of the grenade and a window is displayed in the center to confirm "whether to execute a grenade (a weapon like a grenade)".
XCOM has a system called "military" that can master unique skills such as Assault Heavy Sniper, but EXLCOM is reproducing this as well. The following image on which "Run & gun was executed" in the upper right is a skill which the character of the player who is "Assault" can shoot after dash move "Run & GunIt is the moment when we invoked.
It is designed to display a large logo while loading the game.
Those who care about EXLCOM can download and play from the following URL.
EXLCOM Test Release.xlsb :: Free File Hosting - File Dropper: File Host for Mp3, Videos, Music, Documents.
Open the above URL and click "Download This File".
Enter four letters and click "Download Now".
Check "Save file" and click "OK".
Open the downloaded xlsb file.
When you expand it, the game starts. EXLCOM reproduces the XCOM game using Excel well, it is shocking for those who have played XCOM. Even those who have never played XCOM are sure to hate to crruzi's skills to express games in Excel.
The XCOM series's latest work "XCOM 2" is scheduled to be released on February 5, 2016, and it can be confirmed from the following movie what kind of game it is.
XCOM 2 gameplay video "Welcome to Avenger" - YouTube
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