"MU" that you can list and upload and download YouTube music for free with search phrases

ByLeah lockhart

When you enter the song title, lyrics, artist name in the music movie on YouTube, the list that matches is listed, and a super simple music player that can play immediately when clicked is "MU"is. You can use it as soon as you access the page from the browser, and you can download and save the music displayed in the list in MP3 format.


To use "MU", first input a search phrase such as song title, lyrics, artist name, etc. in the input field in the middle of the page. Then, matching music is displayed in a staggering fashion.

You can play music by pressing the play button on the right. Although the movie is not displayed, a bar is displayed at the bottom of the screen and playback of the selected song starts.

The black gauge of the play bar represents how much the song was played, and you can rewind and fast forward by dragging it. Playing until the end will stop the song, so you can listen again, click another song on the list, or search for songs with another search phrase and play it.

It also supports Japanese, Hiragana and ... ...

Even with the search phrase mixed with katakana / kanji, it was possible to display information that matched without problems.

When you find songs you like, click the button on the left ... ...

The corresponding song is displayed as "YouTubeInMP3.com" and it can be downloaded with MP3, MP4 file etc ..

Depending on songs, there are things that save the file directly in a separate window in a separate window, but if you save it as is, you can get a song for free. Sometimes it takes a long time to load songs, but there are few extra features, it is very simple to use and easy to use, so when you want to listen to saku and music, when you want to download a song quickly, bookmark It seems to be useful if it is in.

in Review,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log