Amazing traveling ability, "Swincar" to grasp the road surface with four legs like a living thing

Electric four wheel buggy that has legs that move freely so far unconceivable in conventional common sense and runs tire grasping the ground and any ground on any rough roads and slopes "Swincar E-Spider"Has appeared.

Véhicule électrique tout terrain proche du quad - Swincar

Part Spider, Part Car: Swincar Can Drive Over Anything

"Swincar E-Spider" is a FrenchMecanrocIt is a one-seater vehicle developed by the company and runs with the power of the motor attached to each tire. On Mecanroc's site "ATV"(All Terrain Vehicle:All terrain supported car) ", And its impressive performance is impressive.

In the following movie, you can see how you run through various roads while striding with four tires.

SWINCAR Spider Electric 2 - YouTube

E-Spider descends a steep slope that is likely to be about 45 degrees. It seems that if you are an ordinary vehicle you slide down ... ...

Clear as if nothing had happened.

Traveling landscape that deprives the eyes. It is worth noting that the body part where a person rides is kept almost horizontal although one wheel is riding on the bank.

It rushed into a slope like a wall ... ...

I rush up the slope so as to twist the whole body. Although the car body is at an enormous angle, the tires are hardly separated from the ground.

Just like a spider hits the ground, big stones can be cleared without difficulty. It is a technique that makes a suspension of original design.

Because the freely moving suspensions grasp the earth and the earth, the marvelous driving performance that clears even this deep groove.

The E - Spider seems to be said to be a vehicle of a structure that goes beyond the concept of a conventional vehicle anyway.

The secret of wonderful runnability seems to be said to be independent movement of the body itself like a cradle with unusual structure of underbody. In the following pictures, you can understand the relationship between the underbody that tilts to the slanted ground and the upright body without being affected.

By allowing independent movement, the car body tilts inward like a motorcycle when cornering. At the same time, by tilting the tire inward, it gets the maximum grip. Mecanroc's proprietary technology is that it realizes the tilt of this car mechanically rather than electronic control.

The car body is made of lightweight aluminum, equipped with a roll bar to protect passengers in case of fall. The car body is 1.95 m in overall length, 1.3 m in width of car, and 1.3 m in total height. Output 1 kW motor is connected directly to each wheel, and lithium-ion battery of capacity 2 kWh or 4 kWh is loaded.

According to the manufacturer's data, the possible running time is about 4 hours, and if you use fast charging you can charge it in 2 hours. Maximum speed is announced as 40 km / h from 20 km / h depending on specifications.

Swincar E-Spider is scheduled to be exhibited at the motor show to be held in Lyon, France from 25th August 2015. People who have the opportunity to visit the site are in need of attention because they want to start marketing at the end of 2015.

Swincar présent au salon de l 'Auto de Lyon - Swincar

in Vehicle,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log