"Chicken Ramen Risotto" made with a microwave oven made into crushed chicken ramen and rice with risotto Taste Review
Founder of Nissin Foods just by chilling in the microwave with waterMomofuku AndoYou can reproduce the taste of Mr. Chicken risotto loved "Chicken ramen risotto"Nissin Foods sells it from August 10, 2015. I cooked chicken ramen and rice and made it into risotto, and it seemed delicious just by listening, so I actually tried to eat it.
"Chicken Ramen Risotto" (released on August 10) | Nissin Food Group
The package of chicken ramen risotto is a square box type.
Mr. Momofuku Ando who developed the world's first instant noodle "Chicken Ramen" liked chicken risotto with hot water, cold and rice in crushed chicken ramen. "Chicken Ramen Risotto" which was released this time is making a hint of the taste of such founder direct communication.
Calorie is 376 kcal per 95 g of meal.
Looking at the raw material name, rice is written first rather than seasoned noodles, the main role is not rice noodles but rice.
Try peeling off Periperi and a lid ... ...
Rice and crushed noodles were mixed in the box. In addition, I was able to discover leeks, poultry, carrots etc.
How to make, put water first ......
I will go round and round.
It is OK just to heat the lid at 500 W for 5 minutes and 600W at 4 minutes and 20 seconds.
After heating, opening the lid is like this.
Immediately after heating, rice and noodles had not completely absorbed moisture, and it was a juicy risotto.
When I tried it, the amount of fried noodles is less than usual Impression that rice is asseriing than expected, because rice is the leading role. While I was thinking that "a little taste is thin" at the beginning, I feel strongly the taste as well as the presence of chicken noodles while eating, plenty of umami. Because the noodles are soft, the rice was finished with a slight remaining core, so I enjoyed the difference in texture.
While rushing mushrooms, rice and noodles steadily breathed in moisture, risotto which was shaba shaba gradually took on the thickening.
Eggs are fluffy, chicken is also tastelessly tasted, although the amount of ingredients is small, the response to eat is satisfactory overall. If you eat chicken noodles for late night meals may be stolen by being overwhelmed by oil, but chicken ramen risotto has become relatively rich finish so it seemed okay to eat at night.
In addition, chicken ramen risotto is 238 yen including tax.
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