The end of "Diploma · Mil" to buy a degree by money

By401 (K) 2012

A university that gives a degree without a sufficient period of time, a university that does not need to go to school actually, or an educational institution that should be said as a self-term "university" that is not yet recognized as an educational institution from an official organization An institution that does not provide education that is appropriate for the educational institution given is called "Diploma · MillI call it. It is a so-called "money can buy degree" institution, but one of such diploma mills is to be investigated by the US government.

Death of a Diploma Mill: University of Phoenix Going Down in Flames? - The Daily Beast

In 2003, the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology summarized what kind of features Diploma Mill has and what kind of problem it is.

Survey and research collaborators' conference on quality assurance of international universities (Part 3) - Handout 3: "Diploma (Degree) · Mill" problem

The features of the Diploma Mill are as follows, which means that it is not an educational institution that does not deserve to obtain a degree, nor is it a business entity that is not even an educational institution.

· Diploma · Mill: Provide certificates or degrees of counterfeit, education not worthy of credibility or providers of similar projects

I can buy a degree with money
There is a mention that it is receiving accreditation although there is no evidence
There is a mention that it is certified from a dubious accreditation organization
I have not received the permission of federal or state installation
The student's attendance requirement (if any) / small number of students to acquire credits as a unit requirement
The period to obtain a degree is too short
You can earn a degree only with experience or resume / or cheap for doing legitimate education
Address of campus or office is not shown = only PO box
The names and titles of teachers are not disclosed
It has a name similar to a famous university
There is a mention that there is a publication even though there is no evidence of it

What kind of influence the existence of Diploma Mill can have on Japan is as follows.

Concrete aspect where diploma · mil etc. can occur
· Japanese universities and others cooperating without knowing that a foreign "university" (diploma · mil) is not recognized as an authorized university in that country, etc. will carry out unit compatibility, co-hosting events, lending of university-related facilities etc. (= Evaluation and credit of Japanese universities themselves are also declining)
· Through such cooperation as mentioned above, the school name penetrates without knowing as diploma · mil etc. in Japanese students and Japanese society as a whole
· As in the case of advertisement activities in other countries of the Diploma Mill in the United States, by posting names of celebrities and university officials on officers and faculty members lists (without their own personal information), in Japanese students and Japanese society as a whole School name penetrated
· Others, imitating the names of well-known universities etc, forging or imitating the degree of famous universities etc.

The University of Phoenix (University of Phoenix) is one of the leading for-profit universities in the United States, one of such diploma mills and also known for preparing a wealth of online lesson programs. Apollo Education Group (Apollo), the parent company of the university, revealed that educational institutions including Phoenix University, which the company operates for profit, became the subject of investigation by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).CNNMoneyAccording to the report, Apollo said "We will cooperate fully" in the investigation of the FTC, and it seems that the financial situation and transaction information for the past 4 years and information on school attendance of credentials and veterans will be investigated.

In the first place, unlike public universities and private universities, for-profit universities are places where private companies can teach students the skills to help their jobs for profit. However, in fact, there are many private enterprises who think to exploit the "federal scholarship system" established by the US government to enrich higher education, and graduates of the for-profit university are very much compared with public and private universities It seems that it is a matter of fact that we have a high proportion of student loans.

Detailed figures are published in the following articles on the actual status of American commercial colleges and students. 66% of public universities have 75% of university graduates with university graduates, 75% of private and non-profit universities, 88% of for-profit universities. Public university has 2.6 million yen as the average of debts of financial aid loans, 3.3 million yen for private and non-profit universities, and 4.08 million yen for for-profit universities. On the other hand, the graduation rate of the fourth grade university is 57.2% for public universities, 65.5% for private and non-profit universities, and 31.5% for for-profit universities.

The fear of the Obama administration 's NO graduation rate of 31.5% and the average debt amount of 4,080,000 yen to the US predatory management attitude that the era of for - profit university chain collapse approaches Market Hack

One of such profit universities Phoenix University is suspected to be "Diploma · Mill without substantive substance in mastering degree" and it is investigated.Report on APAccording to Phoenix University's online lesson program, he earns a total of 488 million dollars (about 60 billion yen) as a tuition fee from students who go to school with scholarships by the Veteran Arm Support Act so far. Also, at the Research News Center (CIR)News reportAccording to 2014, 24,000 veterans who returned from the Iraq War and Afghanistan conflict had registered with this Phoenix University Online Lesson Program, so that every year a considerable number of students had online programs I know that I am receiving it. Indeed, CNN Money released in 2015ReportAccording to the survey, despite reducing the number of students by 54% over the past 5 years, there are currently around 213,000 students enrolled.

Current,New regulations by the government, Educational institutions with vocational training programs are required to nurture students who received scholarships to a level that can provide loan repayment of scholarships. However, according to the data of the Ministry of Education, the graduation rate of the online lesson program undertaken by Phoenix University is 7.3%, of which the proportion of students who can not repay the loan on their own is 19% It is 5% higher than the average.

Furthermore, in July 2015, California states "We have enrollment of veterans who violate provisions established by the Veterans Affairs Department, so we want them to be excluded from the online lesson program," asked Phoenix University. This "provision established by the Veterans Affairs Bureau" was established to prevent educational institutions from exploiting Federal grants from veterans, and Phoenix entrance to many veterans in this grant aimed As a result, it was requested to exclude programs registered by some veterans. Senator Richard Durbin said, "Although the FTC is investigating the actual state of the University of Phoenix, the fraud that Phoenix University had done was often founded at the University of Commerce The fact that it is being done is well-known thing. "

The American education secretary, Ehn Duncan said, "We know that many vocational schools have taken the option of improving the standard (vocational training) program or aborting. , We believe that we should make these efforts to a wider range so that students can obtain valuable programs to pay for them. "

in Note, Posted by logu_ii