Obviously Harvard University treated Asian students adversely in the entrance examination

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Evidence that the prestigious American · Harvard university had handled discriminatory treatment by intentionally lowering the personality evaluation points of Asian American students at the entrance examination was submitted at trial.

Harvard Rated Asian-American Applicants Lower on Personality Traits, Suit Says - The New York Times

Student for Fair Admissions (SFFA), a non-profit organization, told Harvard University that "Harvard organized discriminatory treatment for Asian American students, organized discriminatory treatment based on this race Is contrary to American civil rights law, "in 2014 was filed in the United States District Court in Massachusetts.

The argument of SFFA is that Harvard intentionally lowers the rating point for the purpose of reducing the number of Asian American entrants. In response to this claim, Harvard University argued that "race" was adopted as a selection factor in the 1970s after the civil rights movement, and was properly utilized as a purpose for securing the diversity within the university was doing.

In a trial between a long-lasting SFFA and Harvard University, on June 15, 2018 SFFA submitted evidence of the result of analyzing more than 160,000 student records which Harvard University had newly taken from 2000 to 2015 did. According to this analysis, Asian American examinees gave higher scores than other racial and ethnic students, including Caucasians, in areas such as paper test results, high school grades, extracurricular activities scores On the other hand, the student's personality score (evaluation on the internal aspects such as personality and personality) had a remarkably low score.

And Harvard University conducted an internal survey as of 2013, as compared with the case of evaluating only by academic performance, the proportion of passing of Asian Americans was remarkably low, and it was grasping that there was prejudice in evaluation Nonetheless, SFFA has argued that he failed to publicize the findings and to rectify the inconvenience. In response to SFFA's claim, Harvard said that the passing rate of Asian Americans has increased by 29% in the past 10 years, arguing that the analysis of SFFA is incomplete and misleading.

It is not limited to Harvard University who is criticized as "discriminating and unfairly dealing with Asian Americans". In May 2016, 130 Asian-American organizations told colleges belonging to the "Ivy League" representing Yale University, Brown University, Dartmouth College, etc., the East Coast of the United States of America, based on race Quota system "to inspect Asian Americans and insists investigation against the Ministry of Justice.

U.S. prestigious universities discriminate against Asian countries | World | latest articles | Newsweek Japan official website

In the United States, from the 1920s to the 1930s, quota system which treats social minorities such as black favorably from reflection after unjustly dealing with Judean students is adopted. Give priority to such socially vulnerable peopleAffirmative ActionThere is criticism that majority students are unfair treatment as "reverse discrimination", while they are evaluated as contributing to diversity.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log