I tried Lawson "Premium Roll Cake Ice" that Premium Roll Cake fused with Ice

In accordance with the three themes "Premium Items", "Fun Items" and "Nostalgic Items", 40 items are newly issued "40th anniversary foundation festivalFrom Tuesday, June 16th, as part of "Premium roll cake"Premium Roll Cake Ice" which tailored to ice appears. I decided to actually eat it because I had the opportunity to taste ahead of what premium rollcake would be the finish when it became ice cream.

Premium Roll Cake Ice | Dessert | Product / Toku Information | Lawson

This is Premium Roll Cake Ice. It is in an octagonal transparent package.

Taking it in your hand, it is big enough to cover the palm of your hand.

When comparing the premium roll cake ice with the premium roll cake, unlike the premium roll cake in the flat package, the premium roll cake ice has a somewhat high container.

Premium roll cake Ice calories are 243 kcal per 118 ml.

"Ice cream" containing 10.0% non-fat milk solid content and 12% milk fat content, sponge which is the raw material of roll cake is also included in raw materials.

When opening the lid, a premium roll cake ice with white milk ice cream served at the center of the roll cake appeared.

Compared to the premium roll cake, it is the same appearance except that the ice cream is on top.

First of all I try to eat ice cream. The ice cream made from Hokkaido is used, and the scent of milk has drifted before eating, and when you eat it is felt the milky taste of fresh cream and milk, the mouth melts well and the aftertaste is refreshing.

The sponge was softer than that of the premium roll cake and it was made moist to the ice cream.

When you eat ice and sponge together, thanks to the texture and taste of the sponge, you will not get bored with the taste of thick ice cream, the compatibility is outstanding. Also, by taking a rest from your mouth with a sponge, your head will be keen eating cold thingsIce cream headacheIt was hard to get up.

Looking at the cross section of the premium roll cake ice, you can see that the milk ice is tightly clogged up to the hole part of the roll cake. In the cream of the premium roll cake it was a perfect dessert for those who were not satisfied with the amount.

The price of premium roll cake ice is 195 yen including tax, and it will be sold throughout the country from June 16 (Tue) at Lawson.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log